giocomai / ganttrify

Create beautiful Gantt charts with ggplot2
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Possibility to show quarters instead of months and to regroup by years? #40

Open dmkaplan2000 opened 1 year ago

dmkaplan2000 commented 1 year ago


I would like to know if there is a simple way to display at the top of the Gantt diagram Q1, Q2, ... instead of M1, M4, ... and perhaps to add above the quarters indications of the years?

Thanks, David

dmkaplan2000 commented 1 year ago

There may be other solutions to this issue (e.g., overwritting axis labels), but I finally decided to write my own Gantt function that labels projects by project quarters and years. The code is pretty specific, but it could probably be generalized to other units of time (e.g., weeks and months), and therefore may be useful for others. I am copying the code here in case it would be useful.

mygantt = function (project, spots = NULL, 
          project_start_date = zoo::as.yearmon(Sys.Date()), 
          colour_palette = wesanderson::wes_palette("Darjeeling1"), 
          font_family = "sans", 
          mark_quarters = FALSE, mark_years = TRUE, 
          size_wp = 6, hide_wp = FALSE, size_activity = 4, size_text_relative = 1, 
          label_wrap = FALSE, month_number_label = TRUE, month_date_label = TRUE, 
          x_axis_position = "top", colour_stripe = "lightgray", alpha_wp = 1, 
          alpha_activity = 1, line_end = "round", 
          show_vertical_lines = FALSE, 
          x_axis_text_align = "left",y_axis_text_align="right") 
  # Required libraries ----

  # Fix some columns ----
  project$wp = as.character(project$wp)
  project$activity = as.character(project$activity)

  # Repeat colors in palette ----
  nwp = length(unique(project$wp))
  np = length(as.character(colour_palette))
  colour_palette = colour_palette[rep(1:np,length.out=nwp)]

  # Wrap labels if desired ----
  if (label_wrap != FALSE) {
    label_wrap = ifelse(isTRUE(label_wrap),32,label_wrap)

    project$wp <- stringr::str_wrap(string = project$wp, 
                                    width = label_wrap)
    project$activity <- stringr::str_wrap(string = project$activity, 
                                          width = label_wrap)
    if (!is.null(spots)) {
      spots$activity <- stringr::str_wrap(string = spots$activity, 
                                          width = label_wrap)

  # Determine dates -----
  project_start_date = zoo::as.yearmon(project_start_date) # Force project to start at month start

  project <- project |>
      dplyr::mutate(start_date_yearmon = project_start_date + (1/12) * (start_date-1), 
                    end_date_yearmon = project_start_date + (1/12) * (end_date-1)) |> 
      dplyr::mutate(start_date_date = zoo::as.Date(start_date_yearmon, frac = 0), 
                    end_date_date = zoo::as.Date(end_date_yearmon, frac = 1))

  # # Get a sequence of calendar year quarters from start to end
  # seq_q <- seq.Date(from = lubridate::floor_date(min(project$start_date_date),unit="quarter"), 
  #                   to = lubridate::floor_date(max(project$end_date_date),unit="quarter"), by = "3 months")

  # Get a sequence of project quarters from start to end
  seq_qn = floor(min(project$start_date-1,0) / 3) : floor(max(project$end_date-1,0) / 3)
  seq_qN = seq_qn %% 4 + 1 # For labeling quarters

  seq_qY = floor(seq_qn/4)
  seq_qY = seq_qY + ifelse(seq_qY>=0,1,0) # For labeling years

  seq_q = zoo::as.Date(project_start_date + (1/12) * seq_qn * 3,frac=0) # Actual dates of quarters

  # quarter starts and ends for creating shaded rectangles
  quarts_df = data.frame(start=seq_q,end=seq_q %m+% months(3))
  quarts_df2 = quarts_df[seq(1,nrow(quarts_df),2),] # Every other quarter

  # # Get a sequence of calendar years from start to end - for year lines
  # s = c(seq_q,max(seq_q) %m+% months(3))
  # seq_y = s[lubridate::month(seq_q) == 1]

  # Get a sequence of project years from start to end - for year lines
  seq_y = seq_q[seq_qN == 1]
  # Add a year if the project naturally ends on a year
  if (max(seq_qN)==4) seq_y[length(seq_y)+1] = max(seq_y) %m+% months(12)

  # Create data.frame with all the info for labelling quarters
  yl = paste0("Y",seq_qY)
  ql = paste0("Q",seq_qN)
  seq_q_df = data.frame(d=seq_q,q=seq_qN,y=seq_qY,
                        q.lab = paste0(ifelse(seq_qN==1,yl,""),"\n",ql),
                        d.lab = format(seq_q,"%b\n%Y"))

  # Add WP to activities ----
  project$row = 1:nrow(project) # Add row ID column
  project.sum = project |> dplyr::group_by(wp) |> 
    dplyr::summarize(activity = wp[1],
                     row=min(row)-0.5) # Summarize to just WP

  project.wp = dplyr::bind_rows(
    activity = project |> select(wp,activity,start_date_date,end_date_date,row),
    wp = project.sum,
    .id = "type"
  ) |> dplyr::arrange(wp,row) # Add in WP and arrange so things group by WP

  # If desired remove WP rows
  if (hide_wp)
    project.wp <- project.wp |> dplyr::filter(type != "wp")

  # Set alpha and size of wp and activities segments
  project.wp$alpha <- c(wp=alpha_wp,activity=alpha_activity)[project.wp$type]
  project.wp$size <- c(wp=size_wp,activity=size_activity)[project.wp$type]

  # Turn activity into factor to avoid reordering ----
  project.wp$activity = factor(project.wp$activity,levels = rev(unique(project.wp$activity)))
  # rev essentially reverses y axis of plot.

  # Basic Gantt plot with quarter rectangles ----
  gg_gantt <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = project.wp, 
                              mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = start_date_date, y = activity, 
                                                     xend = end_date_date, yend = activity,
                                                     colour = wp)) +
    ggplot2::geom_rect(data = quarts_df2, ggplot2::aes(xmin = start,xmax = end, 
                                                      ymin = -Inf, ymax = Inf), 
                       inherit.aes = FALSE, 
                       alpha = 0.4, fill = colour_stripe)

  # Add in lines for quarters and years if desired ----
  if (mark_quarters)
    gg_gantt <- gg_gantt + ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept = seq_q,colour = "gray50")

  if (mark_years)
    gg_gantt <- gg_gantt + ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept = seq_y, 
                                               colour = "gray50")

  # Add segments ----
  gg_gantt <- gg_gantt + 
    ggplot2::geom_segment(lineend = line_end,

  # Add x axis labels ----
  if (month_number_label && month_date_label) {
    args = list(name="",minor_breaks=NULL,breaks=seq_q_df$d,labels=seq_q_df$d.lab,
                sec.axis = ggplot2::dup_axis(labels=seq_q_df$q.lab))
  } else if (!month_number_label && month_date_label) {
    args = list(name="",minor_breaks=NULL,breaks=seq_q_df$d,labels=seq_q_df$d.lab, 
                position = x_axis_position)
  } else if (month_number_label && !month_date_label) {
    args = list(name="",minor_breaks=NULL,breaks=seq_q_df$d,labels=seq_q_df$q.lab, 
                position = x_axis_position)
  } else {
    args = list(name="")
  gg_gantt <- gg_gantt +,args)

  # Text alignment ----
  xn = switch(x_axis_text_align,
              stop("Unknown x axis alignment"))
  yn = switch(y_axis_text_align,
              stop("Unknown y axis alignment"))

  # For deciding on bold face for y axis labels
  tt = project.wp |> dplyr::distinct(activity, wp, type) |> dplyr::pull(type)
  tt = rev(ifelse(tt=="wp","bold","plain"))

  gg_gantt <- suppressWarnings(
    gg_gantt + ggplot2::scale_y_discrete("") + 
      ggplot2::theme_minimal() + 
      ggplot2::scale_colour_manual(values = colour_palette) + 
      ggplot2::theme(text = ggplot2::element_text(family = font_family), 
                     axis.text.y.left = ggplot2::element_text(face = tt, 
                                                              size = ggplot2::rel(size_text_relative), 
                                                              hjust = yn), 
                     axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(size = ggplot2::rel(size_text_relative),
                                                         hjust = xn), 
                     legend.position = "none")

  # Spots ----
  if (!is.null(spots)) {
    spots <- spots |> # tidyr::drop_na() |> 
      dplyr::mutate(spot_date = as.numeric(spot_date), 
                    activity = as.character(activity), 
                    spot_type = as.character(spot_type)) |> 
      dplyr::mutate(activity = factor(activity, levels = levels(project.wp$activity)),
                    spot_date_date = zoo::as.Date(project_start_date + (1/12) * (spot_date-1), frac = 0.5),
    gg_gantt <- gg_gantt + 
      ggplot2::geom_label(data = spots, 
                          mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = spot_date_date, y = activity, 
                                                 label = spot_type), 
                          colour = "gray30", alpha = 1,
                          fontface = "bold", size = 3 * size_text_relative,
                          family = font_family)

  if (!show_vertical_lines)
    gg_gantt <- gg_gantt + ggplot2::theme(panel.grid.major.x = ggplot2::element_line(size = 0))


And some example code to use it would be:


And the output of the function is:
