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PyUp Scheduled biweekly dependency update for week 44 #95

Closed pyup-bot closed 4 years ago

pyup-bot commented 4 years ago

Update certifi from 2018.4.16 to 2019.9.11.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

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Update decorator from 4.3.0 to 4.4.1.

Changelog ### 4.4.1 ``` Changed the description to "Decorators for Humans" are requested by several users. Fixed a .rst bug in the description as seen in PyPI. ``` ### 4.4.0 ``` Fixed a regression with decorator factories breaking the case with no arguments by going back to the syntax used in version 4.2. Accepted a small fix from Eric Larson ( affecting `isgeneratorfunction` for old Python versions. Moved the documentation from ReadTheDocs to GitHub to simplify the release process and replaced ReStructuredText with Markdown: it is an inferior solution, but it works better with GitHub and it is good enough. ``` ### 4.3.2 ``` Accepted a patch from Sylvain Marie ( now the decorator module can decorate generator functions by preserving their being generator functions. Set `python_requires='>=2.6, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*'` in, as suggested by ``` ### 4.3.1 ``` Added a section "For the impatient" to the README, addressing an issue raised by Amir Malekpour. Added support for Python 3.7. Now the path to the decorator module appears in the tracebacks, as suggested by an user at EuroPython 2018. ```
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Update dnspython from 1.15.0 to 1.16.0.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

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Update idna from 2.6 to 2.8.

Changelog ### 2.8 ``` ++++++++++++++++ - Update to Unicode 11.0.0. - Provide more specific exceptions for some malformed labels. ``` ### 2.7 ``` ++++++++++++++++ - Update to Unicode 10.0.0. - No longer accepts dot-prefixed domains (e.g. ".example") as valid. This is to be more conformant with the UTS 46 spec. Users should strip dot prefixes from domains before processing. ```
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Update ipaddress from 1.0.22 to 1.0.23.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

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Update requests from 2.18.4 to 2.22.0.

Changelog ### 2.22.0 ``` ------------------- **Dependencies** - Requests now supports urllib3 v1.25.2. (note: 1.25.0 and 1.25.1 are incompatible) **Deprecations** - Requests has officially stopped support for Python 3.4. ``` ### 2.21.0 ``` ------------------- **Dependencies** - Requests now supports idna v2.8. ``` ### 2.20.1 ``` ------------------- **Bugfixes** - Fixed bug with unintended Authorization header stripping for redirects using default ports (http/80, https/443). ``` ### 2.20.0 ``` ------------------- **Bugfixes** - Content-Type header parsing is now case-insensitive (e.g. charset=utf8 v Charset=utf8). - Fixed exception leak where certain redirect urls would raise uncaught urllib3 exceptions. - Requests removes Authorization header from requests redirected from https to http on the same hostname. (CVE-2018-18074) - `should_bypass_proxies` now handles URIs without hostnames (e.g. files). **Dependencies** - Requests now supports urllib3 v1.24. **Deprecations** - Requests has officially stopped support for Python 2.6. ``` ### 2.19.1 ``` ------------------- **Bugfixes** - Fixed issue where status\'s `init` function failed trying to append to a `__doc__` value of `None`. ``` ### 2.19.0 ``` ------------------- **Improvements** - Warn user about possible slowdown when using cryptography version < 1.3.4 - Check for invalid host in proxy URL, before forwarding request to adapter. - Fragments are now properly maintained across redirects. (RFC7231 7.1.2) - Removed use of cgi module to expedite library load time. - Added support for SHA-256 and SHA-512 digest auth algorithms. - Minor performance improvement to `Request.content`. - Migrate to using for 3.7 compatibility. **Bugfixes** - Parsing empty `Link` headers with `parse_header_links()` no longer return one bogus entry. - Fixed issue where loading the default certificate bundle from a zip archive would raise an `IOError`. - Fixed issue with unexpected `ImportError` on windows system which do not support `winreg` module. - DNS resolution in proxy bypass no longer includes the username and password in the request. This also fixes the issue of DNS queries failing on macOS. - Properly normalize adapter prefixes for url comparison. - Passing `None` as a file pointer to the `files` param no longer raises an exception. - Calling `copy` on a `RequestsCookieJar` will now preserve the cookie policy correctly. **Dependencies** - We now support idna v2.7. - We now support urllib3 v1.23. ```
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Update six from 1.11.0 to 1.12.0.

Changelog ### 1.12.0 ``` ------ - Issue 259, pull request 260: `six.add_metaclass` now preserves `__qualname__` from the original class. - Pull request 204: Add `six.ensure_binary`, `six.ensure_text`, and `six.ensure_str`. ```
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Update urllib3 from 1.22 to 1.25.6.

Changelog ### 1.25.6 ``` ------------------- * Fix issue where tilde (``~``) characters were incorrectly percent-encoded in the path. (Pull 1692) ``` ### 1.25.5 ``` ------------------- * Add mitigation for BPO-37428 affecting Python <3.7.4 and OpenSSL 1.1.1+ which caused certificate verification to be enabled when using ``cert_reqs=CERT_NONE``. (Issue 1682) ``` ### 1.25.4 ``` ------------------- * Propagate Retry-After header settings to subsequent retries. (Pull 1607) * Fix edge case where Retry-After header was still respected even when explicitly opted out of. (Pull 1607) * Remove dependency on ``rfc3986`` for URL parsing. * Fix issue where URLs containing invalid characters within ``Url.auth`` would raise an exception instead of percent-encoding those characters. * Add support for ``HTTPResponse.auto_close = False`` which makes HTTP responses work well with BufferedReaders and other ``io`` module features. (Pull 1652) * Percent-encode invalid characters in URL for ``HTTPConnectionPool.request()`` (Pull 1673) ``` ### 1.25.3 ``` ------------------- * Change ``HTTPSConnection`` to load system CA certificates when ``ca_certs``, ``ca_cert_dir``, and ``ssl_context`` are unspecified. (Pull 1608, Issue 1603) * Upgrade bundled rfc3986 to v1.3.2. (Pull 1609, Issue 1605) ``` ### 1.25.2 ``` ------------------- * Change ``is_ipaddress`` to not detect IPvFuture addresses. (Pull 1583) * Change ``parse_url`` to percent-encode invalid characters within the path, query, and target components. (Pull 1586) ``` ### 1.25.1 ``` ------------------- * Add support for Google's ``Brotli`` package. (Pull 1572, Pull 1579) * Upgrade bundled rfc3986 to v1.3.1 (Pull 1578) ``` ### 1.25 ``` ----------------- * Require and validate certificates by default when using HTTPS (Pull 1507) * Upgraded ``urllib3.utils.parse_url()`` to be RFC 3986 compliant. (Pull 1487) * Added support for ``key_password`` for ``HTTPSConnectionPool`` to use encrypted ``key_file`` without creating your own ``SSLContext`` object. (Pull 1489) * Add TLSv1.3 support to CPython, pyOpenSSL, and SecureTransport ``SSLContext`` implementations. (Pull 1496) * Switched the default multipart header encoder from RFC 2231 to HTML 5 working draft. (Issue 303, PR 1492) * Fixed issue where OpenSSL would block if an encrypted client private key was given and no password was given. Instead an ``SSLError`` is raised. (Pull 1489) * Added support for Brotli content encoding. It is enabled automatically if ``brotlipy`` package is installed which can be requested with ``urllib3[brotli]`` extra. (Pull 1532) * Drop ciphers using DSS key exchange from default TLS cipher suites. Improve default ciphers when using SecureTransport. (Pull 1496) * Implemented a more efficient ``HTTPResponse.__iter__()`` method. (Issue 1483) ``` ### 1.24.3 ``` ------------------- * Apply fix for CVE-2019-9740. (Pull 1591) ``` ### 1.24.2 ``` ------------------- * Don't load system certificates by default when any other ``ca_certs``, ``ca_certs_dir`` or ``ssl_context`` parameters are specified. * Remove Authorization header regardless of case when redirecting to cross-site. (Issue 1510) * Add support for IPv6 addresses in subjectAltName section of certificates. (Issue 1269) ``` ### 1.24.1 ``` ------------------- * Remove quadratic behavior within ``GzipDecoder.decompress()`` (Issue 1467) * Restored functionality of ``ciphers`` parameter for ``create_urllib3_context()``. (Issue 1462) ``` ### 1.24 ``` ----------------- * Allow key_server_hostname to be specified when initializing a PoolManager to allow custom SNI to be overridden. (Pull 1449) * Test against Python 3.7 on AppVeyor. (Pull 1453) * Early-out ipv6 checks when running on App Engine. (Pull 1450) * Change ambiguous description of backoff_factor (Pull 1436) * Add ability to handle multiple Content-Encodings (Issue 1441 and Pull 1442) * Skip DNS names that can't be idna-decoded when using pyOpenSSL (Issue 1405). * Add a server_hostname parameter to HTTPSConnection which allows for overriding the SNI hostname sent in the handshake. (Pull 1397) * Drop support for EOL Python 2.6 (Pull 1429 and Pull 1430) * Fixed bug where responses with header Content-Type: message/* erroneously raised HeaderParsingError, resulting in a warning being logged. (Pull 1439) * Move urllib3 to src/urllib3 (Pull 1409) ``` ### 1.23 ``` ----------------- * Allow providing a list of headers to strip from requests when redirecting to a different host. Defaults to the ``Authorization`` header. Different headers can be set via ``Retry.remove_headers_on_redirect``. (Issue 1316) * Fix ``util.selectors._fileobj_to_fd`` to accept ``long`` (Issue 1247). * Dropped Python 3.3 support. (Pull 1242) * Put the connection back in the pool when calling stream() or read_chunked() on a chunked HEAD response. (Issue 1234) * Fixed pyOpenSSL-specific ssl client authentication issue when clients attempted to auth via certificate + chain (Issue 1060) * Add the port to the connectionpool connect print (Pull 1251) * Don't use the ``uuid`` module to create multipart data boundaries. (Pull 1380) * ``read_chunked()`` on a closed response returns no chunks. (Issue 1088) * Add Python 2.6 support to ``contrib.securetransport`` (Pull 1359) * Added support for auth info in url for SOCKS proxy (Pull 1363) ```
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Update validators from 0.12.2 to 0.14.0.

Changelog ### 0.14.0 ``` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Added new validators ``ipv4_cidr``, ``ipv6_cidr`` (117, pull request courtesy woodruffw) ``` ### 0.13.0 ``` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Added new validator: ``es_doi``, ``es_nif``, ``es_cif``, ``es_nie`` (121, pull request courtesy kingbuzzman) ``` ### 0.12.6 ``` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed domain validator for single character domains (118, pull request courtesy kingbuzzman) ``` ### 0.12.5 ``` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed py37 support (113, pull request courtesy agiletechnologist) ``` ### 0.12.4 ``` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Use inspect.getfullargspec() in py3 (110, pull request courtesy riconnon) ``` ### 0.12.3 ``` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Added `allow_temporal_ssn` parameter to fi_ssn validator (97, pull request courtesy quantus) - Remove py33 support ```
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Update astroid from 1.6.4 to 2.3.2.

Changelog ### 2.3.2 ``` ============================ Release Date: TBA * All type comments have as parent the corresponding `astroid` node Until now they had as parent the builtin `ast` node which meant we were operating with primitive objects instead of our own. Close PyCQA/pylint3174 * Pass an inference context to `metaclass()` when inferring an object type This should prevent a bunch of recursion errors happening in pylint. Also refactor the inference of `IfExp` nodes to use separate contexts for each potential branch. Close PyCQA/pylint3152 Close PyCQA/pylint3159 ``` ### 2.3.1 ``` ============================ Release Date: 2019-09-30 * A transform for the builtin `dataclasses` module was added. This should address various `dataclasses` issues that were surfaced even more after the release of pylint 2.4.0. In the previous versions of `astroid`, annotated assign nodes were allowed to be retrieved via `getattr()` but that no longer happens with the latest `astroid` release, as those attribute are not actual attributes, but rather virtual ones, thus an operation such as `getattr()` does not make sense for them. * Update attr brain to partly understand annotated attributes Close 656 ``` ### 2.3.0 ``` ============================ Release Date: 2019-09-24 * Add a brain tip for ``subprocess.check_output`` Close 689 * Remove NodeNG.nearest method because of lack of usage in astroid and pylint. Close 691 * Allow importing wheel files. Close 541 * Annotated AST follows PEP8 coding style when converted to string. * Fix a bug where defining a class using type() could cause a DuplicateBasesError. Close 644 * Dropped support for Python 3.4. * Numpy brain support is improved. Numpy's fundamental type ``numpy.ndarray`` has its own brain : ``brain_numpy_ndarray`` and each numpy module that necessitates brain action has now its own numpy brain : - ``numpy.core.numeric`` - ``numpy.core.function_base`` - ``numpy.core.multiarray`` - ``numpy.core.numeric`` - ``numpy.core.numerictypes`` - ``numpy.core.umath`` - ``numpy.random.mtrand`` Close PyCQA/pylint2865 Close PyCQA/pylint2747 Close PyCQA/pylint2721 Close PyCQA/pylint2326 Close PyCQA/pylint2021 * ``assert`` only functions are properly inferred as returning ``None`` Close 668 * Add support for Python 3.8's `NamedExpr` nodes, which is part of assignment expressions. Close 674 * Added support for inferring `IfExp` nodes. * Instances of exceptions are inferred as such when inferring in non-exception context This allows special inference support for exception attributes such as `.args`. Close PyCQA/pylint2333 * Drop a superfluous and wrong callcontext when inferring the result of a context manager Close PyCQA/pylint2859 * ``igetattr`` raises ``InferenceError`` on re-inference of the same object This prevents ``StopIteration`` from leaking when we encounter the same object in the current context, which could result in various ``RuntimeErrors`` leaking in other parts of the inference. Until we get a global context per inference, the solution is sort of a hack, as with the suggested global context improvement, we could theoretically reuse the same inference object. Close 663 * Variable annotations can no longer be retrieved with `ClassDef.getattr` Unless they have an attached value, class variable annotations can no longer be retrieved with `ClassDef.getattr.` * Improved builtin inference for ``tuple``, ``set``, ``frozenset``, ``list`` and ``dict`` We were properly inferring these callables *only* if they had consts as values, but that is not the case most of the time. Instead we try to infer the values that their arguments can be and use them instead of assuming Const nodes all the time. Close PyCQA/pylint2841 * The last except handler wins when inferring variables bound in an except handler. Close PyCQA/pylint2777 * ``threading.Lock.locked()`` is properly recognized as a member of ``threading.Lock`` Close PyCQA/pylint2791 * Fix recursion error involving ``len`` and self referential attributes Close PyCQA/pylint2736 Close PyCQA/pylint2734 Close PyCQA/pylint2740 * Can access per argument type comments through new ``Arguments.type_comment_args`` attribute. Close 665 * Fix being unable to access class attributes on a NamedTuple. Close PyCQA/pylint1628 * Fixed being unable to find distutils submodules by name when in a virtualenv. Close PyCQA/pylint73 ``` ### 2.2.0 ``` ============================ Release Date: 2019-02-27 * Fix a bug concerning inference of calls to numpy function that should not return Tuple or List instances. Close PyCQA/pylint2436 * Fix a bug where a method, which is a lambda built from a function, is not inferred as ``BoundMethod`` Close PyCQA/pylint2594 * ``typed_ast`` gets installed for Python 3.7, meaning type comments can now work on 3.7. * Fix a bug concerning inference of unary operators on numpy types. Close PyCQA/pylint2436 (first part) * Fix a crash with ``typing.NamedTuple`` and empty fields. Close PyCQA/pylint2745 * Add a proper ``strerror`` inference to the ``OSError`` exceptions. Close PyCQA/pylint2553 * Support non-const nodes as values of Enum attributes. Close 612 * Fix a crash in the ``enum`` brain tip caused by non-assign members in class definitions. Close PyCQA/pylint2719 * ``brain_numpy`` returns an undefined type for ``numpy`` methods to avoid ``assignment-from-no-return`` Close PyCQA/pylint2694 * Fix a bug where a call to a function that has been previously called via functools.partial was wrongly inferred Close PyCQA/pylint2588 * Fix a recursion error caused by inferring the ``slice`` builtin. Close PyCQA/pylint2667 * Remove the restriction that "old style classes" cannot have a MRO. This does not make sense any longer given that we run against Python 3 code. Close PyCQA/pylint2701 * Added more builtin exceptions attributes. Close 580 * Add a registry for builtin exception models. Close PyCQA/pylint1432 * Add brain tips for `http.client`. Close PyCQA/pylint2687 * Prevent crashing when processing ``enums`` with mixed single and double quotes. Close PyCQA/pylint2676 * ``typing`` types have the `__args__` property. Close PyCQA/pylint2419 * Fix a bug where an Attribute used as a base class was triggering a crash Close 626 * Added special support for `enum.IntFlag` Close PyCQA/pylint2534 * Extend detection of data classes defined with attr Close 628 * Fix typo in description for brain_attrs ``` ### 2.1.0 ``` ============================ Release Date: 2018-11-25 * ``threading.Lock.acquire`` has the ``timeout`` parameter now. Close PyCQA/pylint2457 * Pass parameters by keyword name when inferring sequences. Close PyCQA/pylint2526 * Correct line numbering for f-strings for complex embedded expressions When a f-string contained a complex expression, such as an attribute access, we weren't cloning all the subtree of the f-string expression for attaching the correct line number. This problem is coming from the builtin AST parser which gives for the f-string and for its underlying elements the line number 1, but this is causing all sorts of bugs and problems in pylint, which expects correct line numbering. Close PyCQA/pylint2449 * Add support for `argparse.Namespace` Close PyCQA/pylint2413 * `async` functions are now inferred as `AsyncGenerator` when inferring their call result. * Filter out ``Uninferable`` when inferring the call result result of a class with an uninferable ``__call__`` method. Close PyCQA/pylint2434 * Make compatible with AST changes in Python 3.8. * Subscript inference (e.g. "`a[i]`") now pays attention to multiple inferred values for value (e.g. "`a`") and slice (e.g. "`i`") Close 614 ``` ### 2.0.4 ``` ============================ Release Date: 2018-08-10 * Make sure that assign nodes can find ``yield`` statements in their values Close PyCQA/pylint2400 ``` ### 2.0.3 ``` ============================ Release Date: 2018-08-08 * The environment markers for PyPy were invalid. ``` ### 2.0.2 ``` ============================ Release Date: 2018-08-01 * Stop repeat inference attempt causing a RuntimeError in Python3.7 Close PyCQA/pylint2317 * infer_call_result can raise InferenceError so make sure to handle that for the call sites where it is used infer_call_result started recently to raise InferenceError for objects for which it could not find any returns. Previously it was silently raising a StopIteration, which was especially leaking when calling builtin methods. Since it is after all an inference method, it is expected that it could raise an InferenceError rather than returning nothing. Close PyCQA/pylint2350 ``` ### 2.0.1 ``` ============================ Release Date: 2018-07-19 * Released to clear an old wheel package on PyPI ``` ### 2.0 ``` ========================== Release Date: 2018-07-15 * String representation of nodes takes in account precedence and associativity rules of operators. * Fix loading files with `modutils.load_from_module` when the path that contains it in `sys.path` is a symlink and the file is contained in a symlinked folder. Close 583 * Reworking of the numpy brain dealing with numerictypes (use of inspect module to determine the class hierarchy of numpy.core.numerictypes module) Close PyCQA/pylint2140 * Added inference support for starred nodes in for loops Close 146 * Support unpacking for dicts in assignments Close 268 * Add support for inferring functools.partial Close 125 * Inference support for `dict.fromkeys` Close 110 * `int()` builtin is inferred as returning integers. Close 150 * `str()` builtin is inferred as returning strings. Close 148 * DescriptorBoundMethod has the correct number of arguments defined. * Improvement of the numpy numeric types definition. Close PyCQA/pylint1971 * Subclasses of *property* are now interpreted as properties Close PyCQA/pylint1601 * AsStringRegexpPredicate has been removed. Use transform predicates instead of it. * Switched to using typed_ast for getting access to type comments As a side effect of this change, some nodes gained a new `type_annotation` attribute, which, if the type comments were correctly parsed, should contain a node object with the corresponding objects from the type comment. * typing.X[...] and typing.NewType are inferred as classes instead of instances. * Module.__path__ is now a list It used to be a string containing the path, but it doesn't reflect the situation on Python, where it is actually a list. * Fix a bug with namespace package's __path__ attribute. Close 528 * Added brain tips for random.sample Part of PyCQA/pylint811 * Add brain tip for `issubclass` builtin Close 101. * Fix submodule imports from six Close PyCQA/pylint1640 * Fix missing __module__ and __qualname__ from class definition locals Close PYCQA/pylint1753 * Fix a crash when __annotations__ access a parent's __init__ that does not have arguments Close 473 * Fix multiple objects sharing the same InferenceContext.path causing uninferable results Close 483 * Fix improper modification of col_offset, lineno upon inference of builtin functions Close PyCQA/pylint1839 * Subprocess.Popen brain now knows of the args member Close PyCQA/pylint1860 * add move_to_end method to collections.OrderedDict brain Close PyCQA/pylint1872 * Include new hashlib classes added in python 3.6 * Fix RecursionError for augmented assign Close 437, 447, 313, PyCQA/pylint1642, PyCQA/pylint1805, PyCQA/pylint1854, PyCQA/pylint1452 * Add missing attrs special attribute Close PyCQA/pylint1884 * Inference now understands the 'isinstance' builtin Close 98 * Stop duplicate nodes with the same key values from appearing in dictionaries from dictionary unpacking. Close PyCQA/pylint1843 * Fix ``contextlib.contextmanager`` inference for nested context managers Close 1699 * Implement inference for len builtin Close 112 * Add qname method to Super object preventing potential errors in upstream pylint Close 533 * Stop astroid from getting stuck in an infinite loop if a function shares its name with its decorator Close 375 * Fix issue with inherited __call__ improperly inferencing self Close PyCQA/pylint2199 * Fix __call__ precedence for classes with custom metaclasses Close PyCQA/pylint2159 * Limit the maximum amount of interable result in an NodeNG.infer() call to 100 by default for performance issues with variables with large amounts of possible values. The max inferable value can be tuned by setting the `max_inferable_values` flag on astroid.MANAGER. ```
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Update attrs from 18.1.0 to 19.3.0.

Changelog ### 19.3.0 ``` ------------------- Changes ^^^^^^^ - Fixed ``auto_attribs`` usage when default values cannot be compared directly with ``==``, such as ``numpy`` arrays. `585 <>`_ ---- ``` ### 19.2.0 ``` ------------------- Backward-incompatible Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Removed deprecated ``Attribute`` attribute ``convert`` per scheduled removal on 2019/1. This planned deprecation is tracked in issue `307 <>`_. `504 <>`_ - ``__lt__``, ``__le__``, ``__gt__``, and ``__ge__`` do not consider subclasses comparable anymore. This has been deprecated since 18.2.0 and was raising a ``DeprecationWarning`` for over a year. `570 <>`_ Deprecations ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - The ``cmp`` argument to ``attr.s()`` and ``attr.ib()`` is now deprecated. Please use ``eq`` to add equality methods (``__eq__`` and ``__ne__``) and ``order`` to add ordering methods (``__lt__``, ``__le__``, ``__gt__``, and ``__ge__``) instead – just like with `dataclasses <>`_. Both are effectively ``True`` by default but it's enough to set ``eq=False`` to disable both at once. Passing ``eq=False, order=True`` explicitly will raise a ``ValueError`` though. Since this is arguably a deeper backward-compatibility break, it will have an extended deprecation period until 2021-06-01. After that day, the ``cmp`` argument will be removed. ``attr.Attribute`` also isn't orderable anymore. `574 <>`_ Changes ^^^^^^^ - Updated ``attr.validators.__all__`` to include new validators added in `425`_. `517 <>`_ - Slotted classes now use a pure Python mechanism to rewrite the ``__class__`` cell when rebuilding the class, so ``super()`` works even on environments where ``ctypes`` is not installed. `522 <>`_ - When collecting attributes using ``attr.s(auto_attribs=True)``, attributes with a default of ``None`` are now deleted too. `523 <>`_, `556 <>`_ - Fixed ``attr.validators.deep_iterable()`` and ``attr.validators.deep_mapping()`` type stubs. `533 <>`_ - ``attr.validators.is_callable()`` validator now raises an exception ``attr.exceptions.NotCallableError``, a subclass of ``TypeError``, informing the received value. `536 <>`_ - ``attr.s(auto_exc=True)`` now generates classes that are hashable by ID, as the documentation always claimed it would. `543 <>`_, `563 <>`_ - Added ``attr.validators.matches_re()`` that checks string attributes whether they match a regular expression. `552 <>`_ - Keyword-only attributes (``kw_only=True``) and attributes that are excluded from the ``attrs``'s ``__init__`` (``init=False``) now can appear before mandatory attributes. `559 <>`_ - The fake filename for generated methods is now more stable. It won't change when you restart the process. `560 <>`_ - The value passed to ``attr.ib(repr=…)`` can now be either a boolean (as before) or a callable. That callable must return a string and is then used for formatting the attribute by the generated ``__repr__()`` method. `568 <>`_ - Added ``attr.__version_info__`` that can be used to reliably check the version of ``attrs`` and write forward- and backward-compatible code. Please check out the `section on deprecated APIs <>`_ on how to use it. `580 <>`_ .. _`425`: ---- ``` ### 19.1.0 ``` ------------------- Backward-incompatible Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed a bug where deserialized objects with ``cache_hash=True`` could have incorrect hash code values. This change breaks classes with ``cache_hash=True`` when a custom ``__setstate__`` is present. An exception will be thrown when applying the ``attrs`` annotation to such a class. This limitation is tracked in issue `494 <>`_. `482 <>`_ Changes ^^^^^^^ - Add ``is_callable``, ``deep_iterable``, and ``deep_mapping`` validators. * ``is_callable``: validates that a value is callable * ``deep_iterable``: Allows recursion down into an iterable, applying another validator to every member in the iterable as well as applying an optional validator to the iterable itself. * ``deep_mapping``: Allows recursion down into the items in a mapping object, applying a key validator and a value validator to the key and value in every item. Also applies an optional validator to the mapping object itself. You can find them in the ``attr.validators`` package. `425`_ - Fixed stub files to prevent errors raised by mypy's ``disallow_any_generics = True`` option. `443 <>`_ - Attributes with ``init=False`` now can follow after ``kw_only=True`` attributes. `450 <>`_ - ``attrs`` now has first class support for defining exception classes. If you define a class using ``attr.s(auto_exc=True)`` and subclass an exception, the class will behave like a well-behaved exception class including an appropriate ``__str__`` method, and all attributes additionally available in an ``args`` attribute. `500 <>`_ - Clarified documentation for hashing to warn that hashable objects should be deeply immutable (in their usage, even if this is not enforced). `503 <>`_ ---- ``` ### 18.2.0 ``` ------------------- Deprecations ^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Comparing subclasses using ``<``, ``>``, ``<=``, and ``>=`` is now deprecated. The docs always claimed that instances are only compared if the types are identical, so this is a first step to conform to the docs. Equality operators (``==`` and ``!=``) were always strict in this regard. `394 <>`_ Changes ^^^^^^^ - ``attrs`` now ships its own `PEP 484 <>`_ type hints. Together with `mypy <>`_'s ``attrs`` plugin, you've got all you need for writing statically typed code in both Python 2 and 3! At that occasion, we've also added `narrative docs <>`_ about type annotations in ``attrs``. `238 <>`_ - Added *kw_only* arguments to ``attr.ib`` and ``attr.s``, and a corresponding *kw_only* attribute to ``attr.Attribute``. This change makes it possible to have a generated ``__init__`` with keyword-only arguments on Python 3, relaxing the required ordering of default and non-default valued attributes. `281 <>`_, `411 <>`_ - The test suite now runs with ``hypothesis.HealthCheck.too_slow`` disabled to prevent CI breakage on slower computers. `364 <>`_, `396 <>`_ - ``attr.validators.in_()`` now raises a ``ValueError`` with a useful message even if the options are a string and the value is not a string. `383 <>`_ - ``attr.asdict()`` now properly handles deeply nested lists and dictionaries. `395 <>`_ - Added ``attr.converters.default_if_none()`` that allows to replace ``None`` values in attributes. For example ``attr.ib(converter=default_if_none(""))`` replaces ``None`` by empty strings. `400 <>`_, `414 <>`_ - Fixed a reference leak where the original class would remain live after being replaced when ``slots=True`` is set. `407 <>`_ - Slotted classes can now be made weakly referenceable by passing ``attr.s(weakref_slot=True)``. `420 <>`_ - Added *cache_hash* option to ``attr.s`` which causes the hash code to be computed once and stored on the object. `426 <>`_ - Attributes can be named ``property`` and ``itemgetter`` now. `430 <>`_ - It is now possible to override a base class' class variable using only class annotations. `431 <>`_ ---- ```
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Update autopep8 from 1.3.5 to 1.4.4.

Changelog ### 1.4.3 ``` fix bugs * 449 (PR: 450) : related code W605 (Thanks to patch by bigredengineer) * 447 : related code E402 * 446 : related code W503 ``` ### 1.4.2 ``` * fix bugs * 441 : related code is W503 * 443 : related code is W503 ``` ### 1.4 ``` * new feature: add W605 fixed method * new feature: add E252 fixed method (Thanks to patch by gmbnomis) * change: W690 (only use autopep8) is DEFAULT_IGNORE. * fix bugs * 415, 399, 410, 392 * 386 (Thanks to patch by Hnasar) ```
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Update coverage from 4.5.1 to 4.5.4.

Changelog ### 4.5.4 ``` --------------------------- - Multiprocessing support in Python 3.8 was broken, but is now fixed. Closes `issue 828`_. .. _issue 828: .. _changes_453: ``` ### 4.5.3 ``` --------------------------- - Only packaging metadata changes. .. _changes_452: ``` ### 4.5.2 ``` ---------------------------- - Namespace packages are supported on Python 3.7, where they used to cause TypeErrors about path being None. Fixes `issue 700`_. - Python 3.8 (as of today!) passes all tests. Fixes `issue 707`_ and `issue 714`_. - Development moved from `Bitbucket`_ to `GitHub`_. .. _issue 700: .. _issue 707: .. _issue 714: .. _Bitbucket: .. _GitHub: .. _changes_451: ```
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Update isort from 4.3.4 to 4.3.21.

Changelog ### 4.3.21 ``` - Fixed issue 957 - Long aliases and use_parentheses generates invalid syntax ``` ### 4.3.20 ``` - Fixed issue 948 - Pipe redirection broken on Python2.7 ``` ### 4.3.19 ``` - Fixed issue 942 - correctly handle pyi (Python Template Files) to match `black` output ``` ### 4.3.18 ``` - Fixed an issue with parsing files that contain unicode characters in Python 2 - Fixed issue 924 - Pulling in pip internals causes depreciation warning - Fixed issue 938 - Providing a way to filter explicitly passed in files via configuration settings (`--filter-files`) - Improved interoperability with toml configuration files ``` ### 4.3.17 ``` - Fixed issue 905 & 919: Import section headers behaving strangely ``` ### 4.3.16 ``` - Fixed issue 909 - skip and skip-glob are not enforced when using settings-path. - Fixed issue 907 - appdirs optional requirement does not correctly specify version - Fixed issue 902 - Too broad warning about missing toml package - Fixed issue 778 - remove `user` from known standard library as it's no longer in any supported Python version. ``` ### 4.3.15 ``` - Fixed a regression with handling streaming input from pipes (Issue 895) - Fixed handling of \x0c whitespace character (Issue 811) - Improved CLI documentation ``` ### 4.3.14 ``` - Fixed a regression with */directory/*.py style patterns ``` ### 4.3.13 ``` - Fixed the inability to accurately determine import section when a mix of conda and virtual environments are used. - Fixed some output being printed even when --quiet mode is enabled. - Fixed issue 890 interoperability with PyCharm by allowing case sensitive non type grouped sorting. - Fixed issue 889 under some circumstances isort will incorrectly add a new line at the beginning of a file. - Fixed issue 885 many files not being skipped according to set skip settings. - Fixed issue 842 streaming encoding improvements. ``` ### 4.3.12 ``` - Fix error caused when virtual environment not detected ``` ### 4.3.11 ``` - Fixed issue 876: confused by symlinks pointing to virtualenv gives FIRSTPARTY not THIRDPARTY - Fixed issue 873: current version skips every file on travis - Additional caching to reduce performance regression introduced in 4.3.5 ``` ### 4.3.10 ``` - Fixed Windows incompatibilities (Issue 835) - Fixed relative import sorting bug (Issue 417) - Fixed "no_lines_before" to also be respected from previous empty sections. - Fixed slow-down introduced by finders mechanism by adding a LRU cache (issue 848) - Fixed issue 842 default encoding not-set in Python2 - Restored Windows automated testing - Added Mac automated testing ``` ### 4.3.9 ``` - Fixed a bug that led to an incompatibility with black: 831 ``` ### 4.3.8 ``` - Fixed a bug that led to the recursive option not always been available from the command line. ``` ### 4.3.7 ``` - Expands the finder failsafe to occur on the creation of the finder objects. ``` ### 4.3.6 ``` - Fixes a fatal error that occurs if a single finder throws an exception. Important as we add more finders that utilize third party libraries. 4.3.5 - February 24, 2019 - last Python 2.7 Maintenance Release This is the final Python 2.x release of isort, and includes the following major changes: Potentially Interface Breaking: - The `-r` option for removing imports has been renamed `-rm` to avoid accidental deletions and confusion with the `-rc` recursive option. - `` has been removed from the default ignore list. The default ignore list is now empty - with all items needing to be explicitly ignored. - Isort will now by default ignore .tox / venv folders in an effort to be "safe". You can disable this behaviour by setting the "--unsafe" flag, this is separate from any skip or not skip rules you may have in place. - Isort now allows for files missing closing newlines in whitespace check - `distutils` support has been removed to simplify New: - Official Python 3.7 Compatibility. - Support for using requirements files to auto determine third-paty section if pipreqs & requirementslib are installed. - Added support for using pyproject.toml if toml is installed. - Added support for XDG_HOME if appdirs is installed. - An option has been added to enable ignoring trailing comments ('ignore_comments') defaulting to False. - Added support to enable line length sorting for only specific sections - Added a `correctly_sorted` property on the SortsImport to enable more intuitive programmatic checking. Fixes: - Improved black compatibility. - Isort will now detect files in the CWD as first-party. - Fixed several cases where '-ns' or 'not_skip' was being incorrectly ignored. - Fixed sorting of relative path imports ('.', '..', '...', etc). - Fixed bugs caused by a failure to maintain order when loading iterables from config files. - Correctly handle CPython compiled imports and others that need EXT_SUFFIX to correctly identify. - Fixed handling of Symbolic Links to follow them when walking the path. - Fixed handling of relative known_paths. - Fixed lack of access to all wrap modes from the CLI. - Fixed handling of FIFO files. - Fixed a bug that could result in multiple imports being inserted on the same line. ```
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Update lazy-object-proxy from 1.3.1 to 1.4.3.

Changelog ### 1.4.3 ``` ------------------ * Added binary wheels for Python 3.8. * Fixed license metadata. ``` ### 1.4.2 ``` ------------------ * Included a ``pyproject.toml`` to allow users install the sdist with old python/setuptools, as the setuptools-scm dep will be fetched by pip instead of setuptools. Fixes `30 <>`_. ``` ### 1.4.1 ``` ------------------ * Fixed wheels being built with ``-coverage`` cflags. No more issues about bogus ``cext.gcda`` files. * Removed useless C file from wheels. * Changed ```` to use setuptools-scm. ``` ### 1.4.0 ``` ------------------ * Fixed ``__mod__`` for the slots backend. Contributed by Ran Benita in `28 <>`_. * Dropped support for Python 2.6 and 3.3. Contributed by "hugovk" in `24 <>`_. ```
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Update more-itertools from 4.2.0 to 7.2.0.

Changelog ### 7.2.0 ``` See the [release notes]( for details. ``` ### 7.1.0 ``` See [the release notes]( for details. ``` ### 7.0.0 ``` See [the release notes]( for the full list of changes. ``` ### 6.0.0 ``` This is the first Python 3-only release. Python 2 users may use [version 5.0.0]( See [the release notes]( for the full list of changes. ``` ### 5.0.0 ``` See PR 252 for notes. ``` ### 4.3.1 ``` This is [version 4.3.0]( plus PR 226 . There is no corresponding PyPI release; this is just to fix the docs on RTD. ```
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Update pluggy from 0.6.0 to 0.13.0.

Changelog ### 0.13.0 ``` ========================== Trivial/Internal Changes ------------------------ - `222 <>`_: Replace ``importlib_metadata`` backport with ``importlib.metadata`` from the standard library on Python 3.8+. ``` ### 0.12.0 ``` ========================== Features -------- - `215 <>`_: Switch from ``pkg_resources`` to ``importlib-metadata`` for entrypoint detection for improved performance and import time. This time with ``.egg`` support. ``` ### 0.11.0 ``` ========================== Bug Fixes --------- - `205 <>`_: Revert changes made in 0.10.0 release breaking ``.egg`` installs. ``` ### 0.10.0 ``` ========================== Features -------- - `199 <>`_: Switch from ``pkg_resources`` to ``importlib-metadata`` for entrypoint detection for improved performance and import time. ``` ### 0.9.0 ``` ========================= Features -------- - `189 <>`_: ``PluginManager.load_setuptools_entrypoints`` now accepts a ``name`` parameter that when given will load only entry points with that name. ``PluginManager.load_setuptools_entrypoints`` also now returns the number of plugins loaded by the call, as opposed to the number of all plugins loaded by all calls to this method. Bug Fixes --------- - `187 <>`_: Fix internal ``varnames`` function for PyPy3. ``` ### 0.8.1 ``` ========================= Trivial/Internal Changes ------------------------ - `166 <>`_: Add ``stacklevel=2`` to implprefix warning so that the reported location of warning is the caller of PluginManager. ``` ### 0.8.0 ``` ========================= Features -------- - `177 <>`_: Add ``get_hookimpls()`` method to hook callers. Trivial/Internal Changes ------------------------ - `165 <>`_: Add changelog in long package description and documentation. - `172 <>`_: Add a test exemplifying the opt-in nature of spec defined args. - `57 <>`_: Encapsulate hook specifications in a type for easier introspection. ``` ### 0.7.1 ``` ========================= Deprecations and Removals ------------------------- - `116 <>`_: Deprecate the ``implprefix`` kwarg to ``PluginManager`` and instead expect users to start using explicit ``HookimplMarker`` everywhere. Features -------- - `122 <>`_: Add ``.plugin`` member to ``PluginValidationError`` to access failing plugin during post-mortem. - `138 <>`_: Add per implementation warnings support for hookspecs allowing for both deprecation and future warnings of legacy and (future) experimental hooks respectively. Bug Fixes --------- - `110 <>`_: Fix a bug where ``_HookCaller.call_historic()`` would call the ``proc`` arg even when the default is ``None`` resulting in a ``TypeError``. - `160 <>`_: Fix problem when handling ``VersionConflict`` errors when loading setuptools plugins. Improved Documentation ---------------------- - `123 <>`_: Document how exceptions are handled and how the hook call loop terminates immediately on the first error which is then delivered to any surrounding wrappers. - `136 <>`_: Docs rework including a much better introduction and comprehensive example set for new users. A big thanks goes out to obestwalter for the great work! Trivial/Internal Changes ------------------------ - `117 <>`_: Break up the main monolithic package modules into separate modules by concern - `131 <>`_: Automate ``setuptools`` wheels building and PyPi upload using TravisCI. - `153 <>`_: Reorganize tests more appropriately by modules relating to each internal component/feature. This is in an effort to avoid (future) duplication and better separation of concerns in the test set. - `156 <>`_: Add ``HookImpl.__repr__()`` for better debugging. - `66 <>`_: Start using ``towncrier`` and a custom ``tox`` environment to prepare releases! ``` ### 0.7.0 ``` ========================= * `160 <>`_: We discovered a deployment issue so this version was never released to PyPI, only the tag exists. ```
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Update py from 1.5.3 to 1.8.0.

Changelog ### 1.8.0 ``` ================== - add ``"importlib"`` pyimport mode for python3.5+, allowing unimportable test suites to contain identically named modules. - fix ``LocalPath.as_cwd()`` not calling ``os.chdir()`` with ``None``, when being invoked from a non-existing directory. ``` ### 1.7.0 ``` ================== - fix 174: use ``shutil.get_terminal_size()`` in Python 3.3+ to determine the size of the terminal, which produces more accurate results than the previous method. - fix pytest-dev/pytest2042: introduce new ``PY_IGNORE_IMPORTMISMATCH`` environment variable that suppresses ``ImportMismatchError`` exceptions when set to ``1``. ``` ### 1.6.0 ``` ================== - add ``TerminalWriter.width_of_current_line`` (i18n version of ``TerminalWriter.chars_on_current_line``), a read-only property that tracks how wide the current line is, attempting to take into account international characters in the calculation. ``` ### 1.5.4 ``` ================== - fix pytest-dev/pytest3451: don't make assumptions about fs case sensitivity in ``make_numbered_dir``. ```
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Update pycodestyle from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0.

Changelog ### 2.5.0 ``` ------------------ New checks: * E117: Over-indented code blocks * W505: Maximum doc-string length only when configured with --max-doc-length Changes: * Remove support for EOL Python 2.6 and 3.3. PR 720. * Add E117 error for over-indented code blocks. * Allow W605 to be silenced by ` noqa` and fix the position reported by W605 * Allow users to omit blank lines around one-liner definitions of classes and functions * Include the function return annotation (``->``) as requiring surrounding whitespace only on Python 3 * Verify that only names can follow ``await``. Previously we allowed numbers and strings. * Add support for Python 3.7 * Fix detection of annotated argument defaults for E252 * Cprrect the position reported by W504 ```
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Update pylint from 1.9.1 to 2.4.3.

Changelog ### 2.4.3 ``` =========================== Pass the actual PyLinter object to sub processes to allow using custom PyLinter classes. PyLinter object (and all its members except reporter) needs to support pickling so the PyLinter object can be passed to worker processes. * Refactor file checking Remove code duplication from file checking. * Fix an issue with ``unnecessary-comprehension`` in comprehensions with additional repacking of elements. Close 3148 * ``import-outside-toplevel`` is emitted for ``ImportFrom`` nodes as well. Close 3175 * Do not emit ``no-method-argument`` for functions using positional only args. Close 3161 * ``consider-using-sys-exit`` is no longer emitted when `exit` is imported in the local scope. Close 3147 * `invalid-overridden-method` takes `abc.abstractproperty` in account Close 3150 * Fixed ``missing-yield-type-doc`` getting incorrectly raised when a generator does not document a yield type but has a type annotation. Closes 3185 * ``typing.overload`` functions are exempted from ``too-many-function-args`` Close 3170 ``` ### 2.4.2 ``` =========================== Release date: 2019-09-30 * ``ignored-modules`` can skip submodules. Close 3135 * ``self-assigning-variable`` skips class level assignments. Close 2930 * ``consider-using-sys-exit`` is exempted when `exit()` is imported from `sys` Close 3145 * Exempt annotated assignments without variable from ``class-variable-slots-conflict`` Close 3141 * Fix ``utils.is_error`` to account for functions returning early. This fixes a false negative with ``unused-variable`` which was no longer triggered when a function raised an exception as the last instruction, but the body of the function still had unused variables. Close 3028 ``` ### 2.4.1 ``` =========================== Release date: 2019-09-25 * Exempt type checking definitions defined in both clauses of a type checking guard Close 3127 * Exempt type checking definitions inside the type check guard In a7f236528bb3758886b97285a56f3f9ce5b13a99 we added basic support for emitting `used-before-assignment` if a variable was only defined inside a type checking guard (using `TYPE_CHECKING` variable from `typing`) Unfortunately that missed the case of using those type checking imports inside the guard itself, which triggered spurious used-before-assignment errors. Close 3119 * Require astroid >= 2.3 to avoid any compatibility issues. ``` ### 2.4.0 ``` =========================== Release date: 2019-09-24 * New check: ``import-outside-toplevel`` This check warns when modules are imported from places other than a module toplevel, e.g. inside a function or a class. * Handle inference ambiguity for ``invalid-format-index`` Close 2752 * Removed Python 2 specific checks such as ``relative-import``, ``invalid-encoded-data``, ``missing-super-argument``. * Support forward references for ``function-redefined`` check. Close 2540 * Handle redefinitions in case of type checking imports. Close 2834 * Added a new check, ``consider-using-sys-exit`` This check is emitted when we detect that a quit() or exit() is invoked instead of sys.exit(), which is the preferred way of exiting in program. Close 2925 * ``useless-suppression`` check now ignores ``cyclic-import`` suppressions, which could lead to false postiives due to incomplete context at the time of the check. Close 3064 * Added new checks, ``no-else-break`` and ``no-else-continue`` These checks highlight unnecessary ``else`` and ``elif`` blocks after ``break`` and ``continue`` statements. Close 2327 * Don't emit ``protected-access`` when a single underscore prefixed attribute is used inside a special method Close 1802 * Fix the "statement" values in the PyLinter's stats reports by module. * Added a new check, ``invalid-overridden-method`` This check is emitted when we detect that a method is overridden as a property or a property is overridden as a method. This can indicate a bug in the application code that will trigger a runtime error. Close 2670 * Added a new check, ``arguments-out-of-order`` This check warns if you have arguments with names that match those in a function's signature but you are passing them in to the function in a different order. Close 2975 * Added a new check, ``redeclared-assigned-name`` This check is emitted when ``pylint`` detects that a name was assigned one or multiple times in the same assignment, which indicate a potential bug. Close 2898 * Ignore lambda calls with variadic arguments without a context. Inferring variadic positional arguments and keyword arguments will result into empty Tuples and Dicts, which can lead in some cases to false positives with regard to no-value-for-parameter. In order to avoid this, until we'll have support for call context propagation, we're ignoring such cases if detected. We already did that for function calls, but the previous fix was not taking in consideration ``lambdas`` Close 2918 * Added a new check, ``self-assigning-variable`` This check is emitted when we detect that a variable is assigned to itself, which might indicate a potential bug in the code application. Close 2930 * Added a new check, ``property-with-parameters``. This check is emitted when we detect that a defined property also has parameters, which are useless. Close 3006 * Excluded protocol classes from a couple of checks. Close 3002. * Add a check `unnecessary-comprehension` that detects unnecessary comprehensions. This check is emitted when ``pylint`` finds list-, set- or dict-comprehensions, that are unnecessary and can be rewritten with the list-, set- or dict-constructors. Close 2905 * Excluded PEP 526 instance and class variables from ``no-member``. Close 2945 * Excluded `attrs` from `too-few-public-methods` check. Close 2988. * ``unused-import`` emitted for the right import names in function scopes. Close 2928 * Dropped support for Python 3.4. * ``assignment-from-no-return`` not triggered for async methods. Close 2902 * Don't emit ``attribute-defined-outside-init`` for variables defined in setters. Close 409 * Syntax errors report the column number. Close 2914 * Support fully qualified typing imports for type annotations. Close 2915 * Exclude ``__dict__`` from ``attribute-defined-outside-init`` * Fix pointer on spelling check when the error are more than one time in the same line. Close 2895 * Fix crash happening when parent of called object cannot be determined * Allow of in `GoogleDocstring.re_multiple_type` * Added `subprocess-run-check` to handle without explicitly set `check` keyword. Close 2848 * When we can't infer bare except handlers, skip ``try-except-raise`` Close 2853 * Handle more `unnecessary-lambda` cases when dealing with additional kwargs in wrapped calls Close 2845 * Better postponed evaluation of annotations handling Close 2847 * Support postponed evaluation of annotations for variable annotations. Close 2838 * ``epylint.py_run`` defaults to ``python`` in case the current executable is not a Python one. Close 2837 * Ignore raw doc
pyup-bot commented 4 years ago

Closing this in favor of #96