giorgiouboldi / IPS-design

A repository to test the design of the IPS platforms
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In-page sub-menus styling #16

Closed marwaboukarim closed 4 years ago

marwaboukarim commented 4 years ago

The dividers should be the same color #E3E1DC and aligned on the left and right.

The behaviour of the sub-menu links have a few issues at the moment:

  1. On hover, the dividers should not be affected, at the moment the bottom divider is being pushed down.

  2. The section the user is on, so the "selected" link should have an purple underline overlapping with the divider (example below)

    Screenshot 2020-05-07 at 11 17 12
  3. Hover effect of the link should be same as the above just changing the color of the text and underline to red

  4. The focus state of the link can simply be the same as the hover effect. Right now there is a gray background forming around the text (screenshot from website below)

    Screenshot 2020-05-07 at 11 16 32
Mai-tbaileh commented 4 years ago
