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Fix brew symlinking in CI #554

Closed ulupo closed 3 years ago

ulupo commented 3 years ago

Reference issues/PRs Vaguely related to #527, #514, #513.

Types of changes

Description The macOS Azure pipelines have beginning to fail as brew fails to create symlinks when upgrading python. This appears identical to the issue opened in (GitHub actions). As a hotfix, the line rm '/usr/local/bin/2to3' has been added. Furthermore, a brew upgrade step has been reinstated. However, this also initially failed due to another symlink issue on gcc@8 and gcc@9, as described in As a hotfix to this, the line brew unlink gcc@8 && brew unlink gcc@9 has been added.

The status of the causing issue should be monitored and this hotfix might become unnecessary in the future.
