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Summary of the Problem
The issue requires modifying the existing battleship game to support a board size of 25 cells instead of the current limit of 15 cells. This change involves updating the logic that handles board dimensions and ensuring that all related functionalities accommodate the new size range.
Relevant Files This file contains the main game controller logic, including board initialization and fleet setup. This file defines the player behavior, including how ships are set up on the board. This file manages the board's dimensions and the coordinates of the cells. This file defines the types of ships and their sizes.
Changes Required for Each File
File Location: package controller;
Update the initBoard() method to allow height and width inputs to be between 6 and 25.
Ensure that the setup() method in this file can handle the new maximum board size. You may need to check if there are any hardcoded ship sizes that need to be adjusted.
File Location: package model;
Verify that the constructor can handle the new dimensions. The existing logic should work as is, but ensure there are no constraints limiting the board size.
File Location: package model;
Review if any ship sizes are hardcoded or if the logic depends on the board size. As of now, it appears to be flexible, but it's good to confirm.
Summary of the Approach
To implement the support for a battleship board of size 25 cells, you will primarily focus on modifying the BattleshipSalvo class to accept new height and width limits. Ensure that the AbstractPlayer, Board, and ShipType classes are reviewed for any dependencies on the old size constraints. After making these changes, thoroughly test the game to verify that all functionalities work correctly with the new board size.
Summary of the Problem
The issue requires modifying the existing battleship game to support a board size of 25 cells instead of the current limit of 15 cells. This change involves updating the logic that handles board dimensions and ensuring that all related functionalities accommodate the new size range.
Relevant Files
Changes Required for Each File
package controller;
method to allow height and width inputs to be between 6 and 25.2.
package model;
method in this file can handle the new maximum board size. You may need to check if there are any hardcoded ship sizes that need to be adjusted.3.
package model;
package model;
Summary of the Approach
To implement the support for a battleship board of size 25 cells, you will primarily focus on modifying the
class to accept new height and width limits. Ensure that theAbstractPlayer
, andShipType
classes are reviewed for any dependencies on the old size constraints. After making these changes, thoroughly test the game to verify that all functionalities work correctly with the new board size.