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Summary of the Problem
The issue at hand is to modify the battleship game to support a board size ranging from 6 to 25 cells, instead of the current limitation of 6 to 15 cells. This involves updating the relevant code to accommodate the new board size constraints.
Relevant Files Contains the logic for player actions, including board setup and ship placement. Manages the game flow, including board initialization and player interactions. Represents the game board and handles the coordinates and display logic. Interface that defines the player behavior, including the setup method. Handles user input and output display for the console interface.
Guidance on Required Changes
Lines to Update: Look for the setup method which currently restricts the height and width to 6-15.
Change Required: Update the method signature and any validation logic to allow heights and widths from 6 to 25.
public List<Ship> setup(int height, int width, Map<ShipType, Integer> specifications) {
// Update validation logic here
Lines to Update: Locate the initBoard method where the board dimensions are validated.
Change Required: Modify the validation checks to accommodate the new range of 6-25.
Lines to Update: Check the constructor that initializes the coords array.
Change Required: Ensure that it can handle a maximum size of 25 in both dimensions.
public Board(int height, int width) {
this.coords = new Coord[height][width];
Lines to Update: Review the setup method definition.
Change Required: Update the documentation to reflect the new board size limits.
* @param height the height of the board, range: [6, 25] inclusive
* @param width the width of the board, range: [6, 25] inclusive
Lines to Update: Check for any user prompts regarding board size.
Change Required: Update the user prompts to indicate the new size limits.
view.displayString("Please enter a valid board height and width below:\n" +
"Height and width must be in the range (6, 25) inclusive.\n");
Summary of Approach
To implement the changes, you will need to adjust the relevant files to remove the constraints on board size and replace them with the new limits of 6 to 25 cells. Focus on validating the inputs in the BattleshipSalvo controller and ensure that the AbstractPlayer and Board classes can handle the new dimensions properly. After making these changes, thoroughly test the application to confirm that it behaves correctly with the expanded board size.
Summary of the Problem
The issue at hand is to modify the battleship game to support a board size ranging from 6 to 25 cells, instead of the current limitation of 6 to 15 cells. This involves updating the relevant code to accommodate the new board size constraints.
Relevant Files
Guidance on Required Changes
method which currently restricts the height and width to 6-15.2.
method where the board dimensions are validated.3.
method definition.5.
Summary of Approach
To implement the changes, you will need to adjust the relevant files to remove the constraints on board size and replace them with the new limits of 6 to 25 cells. Focus on validating the inputs in the
controller and ensure that theAbstractPlayer
classes can handle the new dimensions properly. After making these changes, thoroughly test the application to confirm that it behaves correctly with the expanded board size.