giovanism / tsudo

Tsundere wrapper for sudo command.
Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
8 stars 5 forks source link

Various shells tab completion not working #2

Open giovanism opened 6 years ago

giovanism commented 6 years ago
giovanism commented 5 years ago
giovanism@akashicazure22:~> bash
giovanism@akashicazure22:~> sudo 
Display all 3495 possibilities? (y or n)
giovanism@akashicazure22:~> tsudo 
.bash_history                    .fonts/                          Pictures/                        .Xauthority
.bashrc                          .gem/                            .profile                         .xim.template
bin/                             .gitconfig                       PTML1.pdf                        .xinitrc.template
.binwalk/                        .gtkrc-2.0                       PTML2.pdf                        .xsession-errors
.cache/                          .i18n                            PTML3.pdf                        .xsession-errors.old
.cargo/                          .icewm/                          PTML4.pdf                        .zcompdump
.config/                         .inputrc                         PTML5.pdf                        .zcompdump-akashicazure22-5.6
Desktop/                         .java/                           .python_history                  .zcompdump-akashicazure22-5.6.2
.dmrc                            .lesshst                         Repos/                           .zprofile
Documents/                       .local/                          .ssh/                            .zsh_history
.dotfiles/                       .mozilla/                        .tixati/                         .zshrc
Downloads/                       .msf4/                           .viminfo                         
.emacs                           .netrc                           .virtualenvs/                    
.esd_auth                        .oh-my-zsh/                      .wget-hsts                       
giovanism@akashicazure22:~> tsudo 
.bash_history                    .fonts/                          Pictures/                        .Xauthority
.bashrc                          .gem/                            .profile                         .xim.template
bin/                             .gitconfig                       PTML1.pdf                        .xinitrc.template
.binwalk/                        .gtkrc-2.0                       PTML2.pdf                        .xsession-errors
.cache/                          .i18n                            PTML3.pdf                        .xsession-errors.old
.cargo/                          .icewm/                          PTML4.pdf                        .zcompdump
.config/                         .inputrc                         PTML5.pdf                        .zcompdump-akashicazure22-5.6
Desktop/                         .java/                           .python_history                  .zcompdump-akashicazure22-5.6.2
.dmrc                            .lesshst                         Repos/                           .zprofile
Documents/                       .local/                          .ssh/                            .zsh_history
.dotfiles/                       .mozilla/                        .tixati/                         .zshrc
Downloads/                       .msf4/                           .viminfo                         
.emacs                           .netrc                           .virtualenvs/                    
.esd_auth                        .oh-my-zsh/                      .wget-hsts                       
giovanism@akashicazure22:~> complete -cf tsudo
giovanism@akashicazure22:~> tsudo 
Display all 2814 possibilities? (y or n)
-                                             _git_status                                   pnmtotiff
:                                             _git_submodule                                pnmtotiffcmyk
!                                             __git_support_parseopt_helper                 pnmtoxwd
./                                            _git_svn                                      pod2html
../                                           _git_tag                                      pod2man
...                                           __git_tags                                    pod2text
[                                             git-upload-archive                            pod2usage
[[                                            git-upload-pack                               podchecker
]]                                            _git_whatchanged                              pod_cover
{                                             _git_worktree                                 podselect
}                                             __git_wrap__gitk_main                         policytool
+                                             __git_wrap__git_main                          pom
411toppm                                      glib-compile-schemas                          popd
7z                                            glilypond                                     postgres
7za                                           glxgears                                      post-grohtml
7zr                                           glxinfo                                       postmaster
aa-easyprof                                   gmake                                         pphs
aa-enabled                                    gml2gv                                        ppm3d
aa-exec                                       gnome-keyring                                 ppmbrighten
aconnect                                      gnome-keyring-3                               ppmchange
acpibin                                       gnome-keyring-daemon                          ppmcie
acpiexamples                                  gnumt                                         ppmcolormask
acpiexec                                      gnurmt                                        ppmcolors
acpihelp                                      go                                            ppmdcfont
acpinames                                     gofmt                                         ppmddumpfont
acpisrc                                       gomoku                                        ppmdim
acpi_validate                                 gouldtoppm                                    ppmdist
acpixtract                                    gpasswd                                       ppmdither
acyclic                                       gperl                                         ppmdmkfont
addftinfo                                     gpg                                           ppmdraw
addr2line                                     gpg2                                          ppmfade
adventure                                     gpg-agent                                     ppmflash
afmtodit                                      gpgconf                                       ppmforge
alias                                         gpg-connect-agent                             ppmglobe
all_notes_off                                 gpgparsemail                                  ppmhist
_allowed_groups                               gpgscm                                        ppmlabel
_allowed_users                                gpgsm                                         ppmmake
alrecord                                      gpgtar                                        ppmmix
giovanism@akashicazure22:~> tsudo zypper dup