giovannihenriksen / Anki-Simulator

Simulator for Anki
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Plot cumulative change in number of mature cards #46

Closed AlexRiina closed 3 years ago

AlexRiina commented 3 years ago

Draft PR that answered a question I had about approximately when I'd be done with a new deck of cards. Similar to The PR is definitely still in the "proof of concept" phase and details like the graph titles shouldn't be taken too seriously yet.

This PR adds an additional simulation to the graphs which shows the cumulative change to the number of mature cards in the simulation. E.g. if on day x a card goes from young -> mature, that counts as a +1 against the previous value. If a card goes from mature -> relearn, that counts as a -1.

If this sounds like something you'd like for Anki-Simulator, I could use some guidance before I pretend it's ready for a thorough review. Some questions I'm still thinking about are whether there are any changes to the options needed (e.g. show / hide mature count), changes to the graph presentation (should the review and mature graphs be separately toggleable?), and whether it would make more sense to add in the baseline number of mature cards (could throw the scale of the graph off, but would be a clearer presentation to me).

Screenshot from 2021-01-04 00-51-50

To test this, clone my fork and run aab build plot-mature-count and install the .addon artifact from the Anki plugin menu.

giovannihenriksen commented 3 years ago

Bit busy this week, I'll check it out in the weekend!

giovannihenriksen commented 3 years ago

Apologies for the delay. I like the idea of adding a way to see the percentage of cards that are mature. You found a nice way to calculate the number of mature cards. Personally, I think adding a second graph for every simulation could be a bit confusing to users. Also since the line is mostly just linear I don't think it is very useful too. think it would be better idea to add the percentage to the box that appears when you hover over the graph, instead of creating a new graph. This shouldn't be too difficult to implement and we can even add more data (like cumulative number of reviews done). It would look something like this, what do you think?

Screenshot 2021-01-23 at 21 15 24

giovannihenriksen commented 3 years ago

If you want you can try a working copy of this (that includes some of the code you wrote):

AlexRiina commented 3 years ago

Nice! Sorry for the slow response. This looks perfect and is a very clear presentation of the information