giowck / symphytum

Symphytum Personal Database Software
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Cursor does not scale #109

Open tomowad opened 4 years ago

tomowad commented 4 years ago

In Symphytum 2.5 on Kubuntu 19.10, on a 4k display scaled to 2x, the cursor changes to its unscaled dimensions, when moved into the Symphytum window.


joshirio commented 4 years ago

Probably a toolkit and desktop environment thing and there's little we can do. Maybe this is a knows issue and may get fixed by Qt/KDE.

Would be interested to know if Symphytum is the only Qt app with this issue. Another consideration: was the app installed via snap? Because snap package could cause these kind of issues, since the integration is not polished.

tomowad commented 4 years ago

You're right, it was installed via Snap. I hadn't realized that Discover installed some packages via that method. It is the only Qt app with which I've had this issue, but I don't have any other snaps installed.