giowck / symphytum

Symphytum Personal Database Software
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Error; Compiler limit: string exceeds 65535 bytes in length. #127

Open shujaatak opened 4 years ago

shujaatak commented 4 years ago

C:\Qt_Sandbox\build-Symphytum-Desktop_Qt_5_14_1_MSVC2017_64bit-Debug\ui_aboutdialog.h:651: error: C1091: compiler limit: string exceeds 65535 bytes in length

joshirio commented 4 years ago

That's compiler specific. Not sure how to solve this limitation of the MSVC compiler. The ui files are generated automatically by Qt, unfortunately the about dialog contains very long strings due to all the licensing boilerplate.

Workaround: use MinGW as shipped by Qt or open the aboutdialog.ui file with QtDesigner to remove strings from the about section Third party licenses...