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Add in-app controls (not just via notification) #18

Open no-identd opened 3 years ago

no-identd commented 3 years ago

'Recent' Android versions block overlays from applying to the notification drawer — and in lieu of root and in view of the widespread existence of devices that, while having a 'dark' theme, still have all the notifications bright white, it'd be useful to have some actually app screen so one doesn't have to open the way way way too bright notification drawer when one wants to change the dimming level.

no-identd commented 3 years ago

@webhat any chance of this in your fork?

webhat commented 3 years ago

No, this is where I got stuck last time I worked on it. For security reasons Android rightly doesn't allow overlays on the draw, this requires a patch to AOSP.

no-identd commented 3 years ago

@webhat I know, that's not what I asked about here tho. What I meant is having an app screen that'd open upon tapping the app icon, to configure the dimming intensity /there/, to avoid having to open the hyper-bright notification drawer. (because currently, the app notification is the only place where one can adjust the dimming intensity)