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unable to install or update an app #7

Open jrd opened 9 years ago

jrd commented 9 years ago

While the dimmer is in action I cannot update or install any application using builtin installer program, for example when using fdroid or a direct apk file. The "cancel" or "install" buttons are not reachable/touchable. If I momemtarly disable the dimmer it's ok. I'm running Android 4.1.1

TheLastProject commented 9 years ago

I have a similar issue. For me, the Install button is not touchable, but I can touch cancel. It is clearly related to Dimmer because it happens consistently when I have Dimmer on, but never when I have Dimmer off.

TheLastProject commented 9 years ago

Seems it is an Android design decision:

Dimmer could work around this by adding an option to automatically disable Dimmer when in certain apps such as the package installer.