girder / girder_web_components

Reusable Javascript and VueJS components for interacting with a Girder server.
Apache License 2.0
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Have some process for auto-generating documentation #14

Open mgrauer opened 5 years ago

mgrauer commented 5 years ago


zachmullen commented 5 years ago

What are the best modern tools to use for this? ESdoc is the first google result for me, but I was kind of hoping something better existed.

jeffbaumes commented 5 years ago

This looks interesting

Since this is a component library, it would seem that the focus should be on great component docs.

There is also the Girder REST library and utils, which could perhaps generate a second doc site for this library with more standard JSDoc/ESDoc (with a main page pointing to "Components" and "API" docs), or it could be spun off into its own library, since this is the "components" repo.

jbeezley commented 5 years ago

I spent some time looking into this for resonantgeo. Many different options exist, but styleguidist seemed the most promising as a vue native tool. I didn't use it at the time because it didn't support pug, but it looks like it has been added recently.

zachmullen commented 5 years ago

I just tried to use vue-styleguidist via its vue-cli plugin, but ran into an issue that I couldn't resolve, even in a barebones minimal reproduction. Hopefully we'll hear back on that, until then we can't document anything that uses async/await.

subdavis commented 4 years ago

Worth looking into again, maybe.

zachmullen commented 4 years ago

Good call. I don't know whether I made an earnest attempt on GWC after that upstream fix.