girving / interval

Conservative floating point interval arithmetic in Lean
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Missing lemmas for new casts #9

Closed adomasbaliuka closed 3 weeks ago

adomasbaliuka commented 3 weeks ago

Since adding instances for NatCast, IntCast and Coe Rat Interval in #8, the approx tactic has trouble seeing through these conversions. We need lemmas like

@[approx] lemma mem_approx_natCast (n : ℕ) : (n : ℝ) ∈ approx (n : Interval) := by
  have : approx (n : Interval) = approx (Interval.ofNat n) := by simp [Nat.cast, NatCast.natCast]
  rw [this]

Probably the proof could be made nicer. Do you want to add such lemmas? If yes, shall they be right below the instances?

girving commented 3 weeks ago

Yes, we should definitely have those @[approx] lemmas.