girzel / ebdb

An EIEIO port of BBDB, Emacs' contact-management package
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wrong-type-argument stringp nil when create ebdb file #38

Closed tumashu closed 7 years ago

tumashu commented 7 years ago
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)
  call-process("E:/emacs-25.1-i686-w64-mingw32/libexec/emacs/25.1/i686-w64-mingw32/cmdproxy.exe" nil t nil "-c" nil)
  apply(call-process "E:/emacs-25.1-i686-w64-mingw32/libexec/emacs/25.1/i686-w64-mingw32/cmdproxy.exe" nil t nil ("-c" nil))
  process-file("E:/emacs-25.1-i686-w64-mingw32/libexec/emacs/25.1/i686-w64-mingw32/cmdproxy.exe" nil t nil "-c" nil)
  (cond ((stringp ebdb-uuid-function) (shell-command-to-string (executable-find ebdb-uuid-function))) ((functionp ebdb-uuid-function) (funcall ebdb-uuid-function)))
  (let ((prefix-string (if (string-empty-p prefix) nil (concat prefix "-"))) (uid (cond ((stringp ebdb-uuid-function) (shell-command-to-string (executable-find ebdb-uuid-function))) ((functionp ebdb-uuid-function) (funcall ebdb-uuid-function))))) (concat prefix-string (replace-regexp-in-string "[\n  ]+" "" uid)))
  (make-instance (quote ebdb-field-uuid) :uuid (ebdb-make-uuid (slot-value db (quote uuid-prefix))))
  (eieio-oset v (quote uuid) (make-instance (quote ebdb-field-uuid) :uuid (ebdb-make-uuid (slot-value db (quote uuid-prefix)))))
  (let* ((v db)) (eieio-oset v (quote uuid) (make-instance (quote ebdb-field-uuid) :uuid (ebdb-make-uuid (slot-value db (quote uuid-prefix))))))
  (if (and (slot-boundp db (quote uuid)) (slot-value db (quote uuid))) nil (let* ((v db)) (eieio-oset v (quote uuid) (make-instance (quote ebdb-field-uuid) :uuid (ebdb-make-uuid (slot-value db (quote uuid-prefix)))))))
  (progn (if (and (slot-boundp db (quote uuid)) (slot-value db (quote uuid))) nil (let* ((v db)) (eieio-oset v (quote uuid) (make-instance (quote ebdb-field-uuid) :uuid (ebdb-make-uuid (slot-value db (quote uuid-prefix))))))) (funcall cl--cnm db slots))
  (progn (progn (if (and (slot-boundp db (quote uuid)) (slot-value db (quote uuid))) nil (let* ((v db)) (eieio-oset v (quote uuid) (make-instance (quote ebdb-field-uuid) :uuid (ebdb-make-uuid (slot-value db ...)))))) (funcall cl--cnm db slots)))
  (closure (original-date t) (cl--cnm db &optional slots) "Make sure DB has a uuid." (progn (progn (if (and (slot-boundp db (quote uuid)) (slot-value db (quote uuid))) nil (let* ((v db)) (eieio-oset v (quote uuid) (make-instance (quote ebdb-field-uuid) :uuid (ebdb-make-uuid ...))))) (funcall cl--cnm db slots))))(#[128 "\302\300\206
girzel commented 7 years ago

Hmm, I guess there's no uuidgen program on Windows. Maybe I'll just steal Org's org-id-uuid.

tumashu commented 7 years ago

This seem to not fixed...

girzel commented 7 years ago

Sorry, would you try that?

tumashu commented 7 years ago

works, thanks!