gis-ops / docker-valhalla

This is our flexible Docker repository for the Valhalla routing engine
MIT License
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Getting Valhalla matrix error (No suitable edges near location) with every pair of coordinates i try #70

Closed mdanev closed 2 years ago

mdanev commented 2 years ago

I'm using vroom on top of valhalla but I'm getting Valhalla matrix error (No suitable edges near location) for every pair of coordinates in Finland i try. I downloaded the map of Finland from Geofabrik and followed the documentation for setting up the service. I checked a different issue on this but couldn't get it working. Below I'm pasting the valhalla.json config file, the input file and what i get as a response. valhalla.json

  "additional_data": {
    "elevation": "/data/valhalla/elevation/"
  "httpd": {
    "service": {
      "drain_seconds": 28,
      "interrupt": "ipc:///tmp/interrupt",
      "listen": "tcp://*:8002",
      "loopback": "ipc:///tmp/loopback",
      "shutdown_seconds": 1
  "loki": {
    "actions": [
    "logging": {
      "color": true,
      "file_name": "path_to_some_file.log",
      "long_request": 100.0,
      "type": "std_out"
    "service": {
      "proxy": "ipc:///tmp/loki"
    "service_defaults": {
      "heading_tolerance": 60,
      "minimum_reachability": 50,
      "node_snap_tolerance": 5,
      "radius": 0,
      "search_cutoff": 35000,
      "street_side_max_distance": 1000,
      "street_side_tolerance": 5
    "use_connectivity": true
  "meili": {
    "auto": {
      "search_radius": 50,
      "turn_penalty_factor": 200
    "bicycle": {
      "turn_penalty_factor": 140
    "customizable": [
    "default": {
      "beta": 3,
      "breakage_distance": 2000,
      "geometry": false,
      "gps_accuracy": 5.0,
      "interpolation_distance": 10,
      "max_route_distance_factor": 5,
      "max_route_time_factor": 5,
      "max_search_radius": 100,
      "route": true,
      "search_radius": 50,
      "sigma_z": 4.07,
      "turn_penalty_factor": 0
    "grid": {
      "cache_size": 100240,
      "size": 500
    "logging": {
      "color": true,
      "file_name": "path_to_some_file.log",
      "type": "std_out"
    "mode": "auto",
    "multimodal": {
      "turn_penalty_factor": 70
    "pedestrian": {
      "search_radius": 50,
      "turn_penalty_factor": 100
    "service": {
      "proxy": "ipc:///tmp/meili"
    "verbose": false
  "mjolnir": {
    "admin": "/home/martin/Projects/valhalla/valhalla_tiles/admins.sqlite",
    "data_processing": {
      "allow_alt_name": false,
      "apply_country_overrides": true,
      "infer_internal_intersections": true,
      "infer_turn_channels": true,
      "scan_tar": false,
      "use_admin_db": true,
      "use_direction_on_ways": false,
      "use_rest_area": false,
      "use_urban_tag": false
    "global_synchronized_cache": false,
    "hierarchy": true,
    "id_table_size": 1300000000,
    "import_bike_share_stations": false,
    "include_bicycle": true,
    "include_construction": false,
    "include_driveways": true,
    "include_driving": true,
    "include_pedestrian": true,
    "logging": {
      "color": true,
      "file_name": "path_to_some_file.log",
      "type": "std_out"
    "lru_mem_cache_hard_control": false,
    "max_cache_size": 1000000000,
    "max_concurrent_reader_users": 1,
    "reclassify_links": true,
    "shortcuts": true,
    "tile_dir": "/home/martin/Projects/valhalla/valhalla_tiles",
    "tile_extract": "/home/martin/Projects/valhalla/valhalla_tiles.tar",
    "timezone": "/home/martin/Projects/valhalla/valhalla_tiles/timezones.sqlite",
    "traffic_extract": "/data/valhalla/traffic.tar",
    "transit_dir": "/data/valhalla/transit",
    "use_lru_mem_cache": false,
    "use_simple_mem_cache": false
  "odin": {
    "logging": {
      "color": true,
      "file_name": "path_to_some_file.log",
      "type": "std_out"
    "markup_formatter": {
      "markup_enabled": false,
      "phoneme_format": "<TEXTUAL_STRING> (<span class=<QUOTES>phoneme<QUOTES>>/<VERBAL_STRING>/</span>)"
    "service": {
      "proxy": "ipc:///tmp/odin"
  "service_limits": {
    "auto": {
      "max_distance": 5000000.0,
      "max_locations": 20,
      "max_matrix_distance": 400000.0,
      "max_matrix_location_pairs": 2500
    "bicycle": {
      "max_distance": 500000.0,
      "max_locations": 50,
      "max_matrix_distance": 200000.0,
      "max_matrix_location_pairs": 2500
    "bikeshare": {
      "max_distance": 500000.0,
      "max_locations": 50,
      "max_matrix_distance": 200000.0,
      "max_matrix_location_pairs": 2500
    "bus": {
      "max_distance": 5000000.0,
      "max_locations": 50,
      "max_matrix_distance": 400000.0,
      "max_matrix_location_pairs": 2500
    "centroid": {
      "max_distance": 200000.0,
      "max_locations": 5
    "isochrone": {
      "max_contours": 4,
      "max_distance": 25000.0,
      "max_distance_contour": 200,
      "max_locations": 1,
      "max_time_contour": 120
    "max_alternates": 2,
    "max_exclude_locations": 50,
    "max_exclude_polygons_length": 10000,
    "max_radius": 200,
    "max_reachability": 100,
    "max_timedep_distance": 500000,
    "motor_scooter": {
      "max_distance": 500000.0,
      "max_locations": 50,
      "max_matrix_distance": 200000.0,
      "max_matrix_location_pairs": 2500
    "motorcycle": {
      "max_distance": 500000.0,
      "max_locations": 50,
      "max_matrix_distance": 200000.0,
      "max_matrix_location_pairs": 2500
    "multimodal": {
      "max_distance": 500000.0,
      "max_locations": 50,
      "max_matrix_distance": 0.0,
      "max_matrix_location_pairs": 0
    "pedestrian": {
      "max_distance": 250000.0,
      "max_locations": 50,
      "max_matrix_distance": 200000.0,
      "max_matrix_location_pairs": 2500,
      "max_transit_walking_distance": 10000,
      "min_transit_walking_distance": 1
    "skadi": {
      "max_shape": 750000,
      "min_resample": 10.0
    "status": {
      "allow_verbose": false
    "taxi": {
      "max_distance": 5000000.0,
      "max_locations": 20,
      "max_matrix_distance": 400000.0,
      "max_matrix_location_pairs": 2500
    "trace": {
      "max_alternates": 3,
      "max_alternates_shape": 100,
      "max_distance": 200000.0,
      "max_gps_accuracy": 100.0,
      "max_search_radius": 100.0,
      "max_shape": 16000
    "transit": {
      "max_distance": 500000.0,
      "max_locations": 50,
      "max_matrix_distance": 200000.0,
      "max_matrix_location_pairs": 2500
    "truck": {
      "max_distance": 5000000.0,
      "max_locations": 20,
      "max_matrix_distance": 400000.0,
      "max_matrix_location_pairs": 2500
  "statsd": {
    "port": 8125,
    "prefix": "valhalla"
  "thor": {
    "clear_reserved_memory": false,
    "extended_search": false,
    "logging": {
      "color": true,
      "file_name": "path_to_some_file.log",
      "long_request": 110.0,
      "type": "std_out"
    "max_reserved_labels_count": 1000000,
    "service": {
      "proxy": "ipc:///tmp/thor"
    "source_to_target_algorithm": "select_optimal"

The input file i give to vroom:

    "vehicles": [
            "id": 1,
            "start": [
            "capacity": [
            "skills": [
            "time_window": [
            "profile": "auto"
    "jobs": [
            "id": 1,
            "service": 300,
            "delivery": [
            "location": [
            "skills": [
            "time_windows": [
            "id": 2,
            "service": 300,
            "pickup": [
            "location": [
            "skills": [


valhalla_latest  | INFO: Successfully built files: /custom_files/finland-latest.osm.pbf
valhalla_latest  | INFO: Hashing files: /custom_files/finland-latest.osm.pbf
valhalla_latest  | INFO: Hashing file: /custom_files/finland-latest.osm.pbf
valhalla_latest  | ca6e31b0bb4cf4423d99ff04eec9f322400d07a5f43d113547d25d703ec3eeaa
valhalla_latest  | 2022-07-21 14:57:36,491  INFO: Finished tarring 1471 tiles to /custom_files/valhalla_tiles.tar
valhalla_latest  | WARNING: User valhalla is running with sudo privileges. Try building the image with a host user's UID & GID.
valhalla_latest  | INFO: Found config file. Starting valhalla service!
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.054865 [INFO] Tile extract successfully loaded with tile count: 1471
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.055854 [INFO] Tile extract successfully loaded with tile count: 1471
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.056645 [WARN] (stat):  No such file or directory
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.056656 [WARN] Traffic tile extract could not be loaded
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.056661 [WARN] (stat):  No such file or directory
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.056667 [WARN] Traffic tile extract could not be loaded
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.057278 [INFO] Tile extract successfully loaded with tile count: 1471
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.057311 [WARN] (stat):  No such file or directory
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.057318 [WARN] Traffic tile extract could not be loaded
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.058125 [INFO] Tile extract successfully loaded with tile count: 1471
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.058223 [WARN] (stat):  No such file or directory
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.058230 [WARN] Traffic tile extract could not be loaded
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.058895 [INFO] Tile extract successfully loaded with tile count: 1471
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.058915 [INFO] Tile extract successfully loaded with tile count: 1471
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.058924 [WARN] (stat):  No such file or directory
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.058931 [WARN] Traffic tile extract could not be loaded
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.058935 [WARN] (stat):  No such file or directory
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.058938 [WARN] Traffic tile extract could not be loaded
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.062706 [INFO] Tile extract successfully loaded with tile count: 1471
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.062736 [INFO] Tile extract successfully loaded with tile count: 1471
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.062757 [WARN] (stat):  No such file or directory
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.062765 [WARN] Traffic tile extract could not be loaded
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.062765 [WARN] (stat):  No such file or directory
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.062776 [WARN] Traffic tile extract could not be loaded
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.063832 [INFO] Tile extract successfully loaded with tile count: 1471
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.063858 [WARN] (stat):  No such file or directory
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.063863 [WARN] Traffic tile extract could not be loaded
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.064383 [INFO] Tile extract successfully loaded with tile count: 1471
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.064412 [WARN] (stat):  No such file or directory
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.064419 [WARN] Traffic tile extract could not be loaded
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.064751 [INFO] Tile extract successfully loaded with tile count: 1471
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.064780 [WARN] (stat):  No such file or directory
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.064785 [WARN] Traffic tile extract could not be loaded
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.066278 [INFO] Tile extract successfully loaded with tile count: 1471
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.066308 [WARN] (stat):  No such file or directory
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.066315 [WARN] Traffic tile extract could not be loaded
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.069512 [INFO] Tile extract successfully loaded with tile count: 1471
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.069573 [WARN] (stat):  No such file or directory
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.069581 [WARN] Traffic tile extract could not be loaded
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.070516 [INFO] Tile extract successfully loaded with tile count: 1471
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.070572 [WARN] (stat):  No such file or directory
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.070594 [WARN] Traffic tile extract could not be loaded
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.071330 [INFO] Tile extract successfully loaded with tile count: 1471
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.071415 [WARN] (stat):  No such file or directory
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.071424 [WARN] Traffic tile extract could not be loaded
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.075427 [INFO] Tile extract successfully loaded with tile count: 1471
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.075474 [WARN] (stat):  No such file or directory
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:57:39.075478 [WARN] Traffic tile extract could not be loaded
valhalla_latest  | 0 2022/07/21 14:58:29.991582 GET /sources_to_targets?json={"sources":[{"lon":60.212260,"lat":24.950080},{"lon":60.212780,"lat":24.946980},{"lon":60.210820,"lat":24.946550}],"targets":[{"lon":60.212260,"lat":24.950080},{"lon":60.212780,"lat":24.946980},{"lon":60.210820,"lat":24.946550}],"costing":"auto"} HTTP/1.1
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:58:29.991695 [INFO] Got Loki Request 0
valhalla_latest  | 2022/07/21 14:58:29.994155 [WARN] 400::No suitable edges near location request_id=0
valhalla_latest  | 0 2022/07/21 14:58:29.994282 400 247
vroom_http       | Thu, 21 Jul 2022 14:58:29 GMT: [Error] Valhalla matrix error (No suitable edges near location).
vroom_http       | 
nilsnolde commented 2 years ago

Lat lon..