gis-ops / docker-valhalla

This is our flexible Docker repository for the Valhalla routing engine
MIT License
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error_code 171 on 50 percent of the request to the same instance #89

Closed iwpnd closed 1 year ago

iwpnd commented 1 year ago

Hey there šŸ‘‹

I'm running valhalla with your container image in kubernetes. I store pre-generated valhalla tiles on a network file system attached to my pod, similar to how the valhalla-operator suggests. As I'm not using the operator per se, I thought I'd reach out to you folks.

The weird thing is, that in 50% of request I receive:

            "error_code": 171,
            "error": "No suitable edges near location",
            "status_code": 400,
            "status": "Bad Request"

Yes, only in ~50% of cases, the other cases it works fine.

Some observations:

My only hunch right now is that valhalla might not like network storage fs at all, despite what the valhalla-operator claims. Then again I wouldn't understand why in the first place. I can only image that i/o operations time out, when the latency between pod and volume increases. Is there a timeout option on I/O operations I can configure maybe (or a description on the option in the configuration at all)? I wouldn't mind the occasional higher latency on the response.

Any pointer from your folks would be much appreciated. šŸ™

valhalla.json Other than the max pedestrian distance it's the default of your container. ```json { "additional_data": { "elevation": "/custom_files/elevation_data" }, "httpd": { "service": { "drain_seconds": 28, "interrupt": "ipc:///tmp/interrupt", "listen": "tcp://*:8002", "loopback": "ipc:///tmp/loopback", "shutdown_seconds": 1 } }, "loki": { "actions": [ "locate", "route", "height", "sources_to_targets", "optimized_route", "isochrone", "trace_route", "trace_attributes", "transit_available", "expansion", "centroid", "status" ], "logging": { "color": false, "long_request": 100, "type": "std_out" }, "service": { "proxy": "ipc:///tmp/loki" }, "service_defaults": { "heading_tolerance": 60, "minimum_reachability": 50, "node_snap_tolerance": 5, "radius": 0, "search_cutoff": 35000, "street_side_max_distance": 1000, "street_side_tolerance": 5 }, "use_connectivity": true }, "meili": { "auto": { "search_radius": 50, "turn_penalty_factor": 200 }, "bicycle": { "turn_penalty_factor": 140 }, "customizable": [ "mode", "search_radius", "turn_penalty_factor", "gps_accuracy", "interpolation_distance", "sigma_z", "beta", "max_route_distance_factor", "max_route_time_factor" ], "default": { "beta": 3, "breakage_distance": 2000, "geometry": false, "gps_accuracy": 5, "interpolation_distance": 10, "max_route_distance_factor": 5, "max_route_time_factor": 5, "max_search_radius": 100, "route": true, "search_radius": 50, "sigma_z": 4.07, "turn_penalty_factor": 0 }, "grid": { "cache_size": 100240, "size": 500 }, "logging": { "color": false, "type": "std_out" }, "mode": "auto", "multimodal": { "turn_penalty_factor": 70 }, "pedestrian": { "search_radius": 50, "turn_penalty_factor": 100 }, "service": { "proxy": "ipc:///tmp/meili" }, "verbose": false }, "mjolnir": { "admin": "/custom_files/admin_data/admins.sqlite", "data_processing": { "allow_alt_name": false, "apply_country_overrides": true, "infer_internal_intersections": true, "infer_turn_channels": true, "scan_tar": false, "use_admin_db": true, "use_direction_on_ways": false, "use_rest_area": false, "use_urban_tag": false }, "global_synchronized_cache": false, "hierarchy": true, "id_table_size": 1300000000, "import_bike_share_stations": false, "include_bicycle": true, "include_construction": false, "include_driveways": true, "include_driving": true, "include_pedestrian": true, "logging": { "color": false, "type": "std_out" }, "lru_mem_cache_hard_control": false, "max_cache_size": 1000000000, "max_concurrent_reader_users": 1, "reclassify_links": true, "shortcuts": true, "tile_dir": "/custom_files/valhalla_tiles", "tile_extract": "/custom_files/valhalla_tiles.tar", "timezone": "/custom_files/timezone_data/timezones.sqlite", "traffic_extract": "", "transit_dir": "", "transit_feeds_dir": "/data/valhalla/transit_feeds", "use_lru_mem_cache": false, "use_simple_mem_cache": false }, "odin": { "logging": { "color": false, "file_name": "path_to_some_file.log", "type": "std_out" }, "markup_formatter": { "markup_enabled": false, "phoneme_format": " (phoneme>//)" }, "service": { "proxy": "ipc:///tmp/odin" } }, "service_limits": { "auto": { "max_distance": 5000000, "max_locations": 20, "max_matrix_distance": 400000, "max_matrix_location_pairs": 2500 }, "bicycle": { "max_distance": 500000, "max_locations": 50, "max_matrix_distance": 200000, "max_matrix_location_pairs": 2500 }, "bikeshare": { "max_distance": 500000, "max_locations": 50, "max_matrix_distance": 200000, "max_matrix_location_pairs": 2500 }, "bus": { "max_distance": 5000000, "max_locations": 50, "max_matrix_distance": 400000, "max_matrix_location_pairs": 2500 }, "centroid": { "max_distance": 200000, "max_locations": 5 }, "isochrone": { "max_contours": 4, "max_distance": 25000, "max_distance_contour": 200, "max_locations": 1, "max_time_contour": 120 }, "max_alternates": 2, "max_exclude_locations": 50, "max_exclude_polygons_length": 10000, "max_radius": 200, "max_reachability": 100, "max_timedep_distance": 500000, "max_timedep_distance_matrix": 0, "motor_scooter": { "max_distance": 500000, "max_locations": 50, "max_matrix_distance": 200000, "max_matrix_location_pairs": 2500 }, "motorcycle": { "max_distance": 500000, "max_locations": 50, "max_matrix_distance": 200000, "max_matrix_location_pairs": 2500 }, "multimodal": { "max_distance": 500000, "max_locations": 50, "max_matrix_distance": 0, "max_matrix_location_pairs": 0 }, "pedestrian": { "max_distance": 5000, "max_locations": 50, "max_matrix_distance": 200000, "max_matrix_location_pairs": 2500, "max_transit_walking_distance": 10000, "min_transit_walking_distance": 1 }, "skadi": { "max_shape": 750000, "min_resample": 10 }, "status": { "allow_verbose": false }, "taxi": { "max_distance": 5000000, "max_locations": 20, "max_matrix_distance": 400000, "max_matrix_location_pairs": 2500 }, "trace": { "max_alternates": 3, "max_alternates_shape": 100, "max_distance": 200000, "max_gps_accuracy": 100, "max_search_radius": 100, "max_shape": 16000 }, "transit": { "max_distance": 500000, "max_locations": 50, "max_matrix_distance": 200000, "max_matrix_location_pairs": 2500 }, "truck": { "max_distance": 5000000, "max_locations": 20, "max_matrix_distance": 400000, "max_matrix_location_pairs": 2500 } }, "statsd": { "port": 8125, "prefix": "valhalla" }, "thor": { "clear_reserved_memory": false, "extended_search": false, "logging": { "color": false, "long_request": 110, "type": "std_out" }, "max_reserved_labels_count": 1000000, "service": { "proxy": "ipc:///tmp/thor" }, "source_to_target_algorithm": "select_optimal" } } ```
iwpnd commented 1 year ago

Ok, if I request the route from valhalla directly over and over again there is no issue. If I request the route through the backend that sends the request to valhalla the error pods in 50% of cases. Now I'm puzzled even more.

iwpnd commented 1 year ago

Im closing this, turned out to be a routing problem on our end. šŸ™