gis-support / qgis-location-lab-plugin

Location Lab QGIS plugin is a toolbox that allows you to conduct location intelligence analyses in QGIS environment.
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Clarification: Include traffic (HERE) #2

Open magerlin opened 7 years ago

magerlin commented 7 years ago

Thank you very much for a very useful plugin!

Could you please help to clarify what traffic situation is described when the "Include traffic" tick mark is tacked when using HERE?

  1. Is it the actual traffic situation at the time when I press "Get catchments?
  2. Is it the morning peak where traffic usually will be slow in direction against a city centre?
  3. Is it the afternoon peak where traffic usually will be slow in direction from a city centre?
  4. And finally: What driving direction is used for the catchment area - to or from the point in the points layer?
gis-support commented 7 years ago

Hi! When "include traffic" is marked than API is asked with param traffic:enabled. It means that it takes actual traffic situation according to documentation:

In next version of plugin we will add the possibility to add departure time. Answering your questions: 1) yes 2) yes. You can observe that during peaks ranges are far smaller than during ex. midnight 3) as above 4) Documentation says: "Use the calculateisoline resource to request a polyline that connects the end points of all routes leaving from one defined center with either a specified length or a specified travel time.". So it is from the point

magerlin commented 7 years ago

Thanks for clarification.

Regarding point 4 on driving direction: From the point is relevant if you are planning a fire station or things like that, but if you are planning a hospital or a shopping centre etc. travel times to the point are the relevant ones. Any possibilities for that?

gis-support commented 4 years ago

It's seems that HERE has support for that, so we will implement it in next version.

@Hubz44 Na dole okna dodajemy nową opcję w parametrach: "Punkty jako początek trasy", domyślnie zaznaczone. Wpływa ono na parametry w wysyłanych żądaniach.{profile}/post