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[Timeline] Incohérence d'affichage de date dans le cas de un seul produit #847

Closed mbarbet closed 2 weeks ago

mbarbet commented 1 month ago

Description of the bug

Description :

La date affichée dans la Timeline dans le cas d'un seul produit est mauvaise si un filtre de date est actif sur la Timeline.

Etape de reproduction :

pré-requis : avoir un jeu de données avec plusieurs produits

Résultat attendu :

la date affichée sur la Timeline d'un seul produit correspond à la date du produit

Résultat observé :

  1. S'il n'y auncun filtre actif sur la Timeline, la date affichée est OK sur la Timeline est bonne, elle correspond bien à la date du produit
  2. S'il y a un filtre actif sur la Timeline (petite croix présente sur la Timeline), la date affichée sur la Timeline est NOK, elle correspond à la date de la borne inférieure de la Timeline

What was the error message shown?

No response

Steps to reproduce

Got to the wui with the timeline filter and one product,%22op%22:%22eq%22,%22value%22:%22SPOT%204%22%7D%5D%5D,%22righthand%22:false%7D%5D%7D,%22enabled%22:true%7D,%22timeline%22:%7B%22filters%22:%7B%22demo_eo%22:%5B%7B%22f%22:%5B%5B%7B%22field%22:%22metadata.ObservationContext.phenomenonTime.begin%22,%22op%22:%22range%22,%22value%22:%22%5B1155183709000%3C1373760000000%5D%22%7D%5D%5D,%22righthand%22:false%7D%5D%7D,%22enabled%22:true%7D,%22demo_eo%22:%7B%22filters%22:%7B%22demo_eo%22:%5B%7B%22f%22:%5B%5B%7B%22field%22:%22_geometry_wkt%22,%22op%22:%22intersects%22,%22value%22:%2228.314678,-3.287793,28.451277,-3.146538%22%7D%5D%5D,%22righthand%22:false%7D%5D%7D,%22enabled%22:true%7D%7D&extend=26.59742809485843,-5.593126690542491,31.012515511014925,-1.528260881431251&vs=Latest%20products;All%20products&at=Products&ro=true

Without the timeline filter :,%22op%22:%22eq%22,%22value%22:%22SPOT%204%22%7D%5D%5D,%22righthand%22:false%7D%5D%7D,%22enabled%22:true%7D,%22demo_eo%22:%7B%22filters%22:%7B%22demo_eo%22:%5B%7B%22f%22:%5B%5B%7B%22field%22:%22_geometry_wkt%22,%22op%22:%22intersects%22,%22value%22:%2228.314678,-3.287793,28.451277,-3.146538%22%7D%5D%5D,%22righthand%22:false%7D%5D%7D,%22enabled%22:true%7D%7D&extend=26.59742809485843,-5.593126690542491,31.012515511014925,-1.528260881431251&vs=Latest%20products;All%20products&at=Products&ro=true

The diplayed dates are not the same. We should see the date of the product

If the issue was noticed in the demo workspace, please specify the collection and the field. Otherwise, please link the 2 ARLAS config files.

No response

Which ARLAS component(s) are concerned by the bug?


If you chose 'Other', please specify the part(s) of ARLAS concerned by the bug.

No response

ARLAS version


What browsers are you seeing the problem on?


If you chose 'Other', please specify the browser(s) concerned by the bug.

No response