Open keremcankabadayi opened 4 years ago
@keremcankabadayi trying use brace
instead ? see:
This page is use the ngx-ace-tern
I got rid of the error,
Unable to infer path to ace from script src, use ace.config.set('basePath', 'path') to enable dynamic loading of modes and themes or with webpack use ace/webpack-resolver
but I'm still getting this error,
index.js:3802 GET http://localhost:4200/ext-tern.js net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)
I added like this,
import 'brace/index';
import 'brace/theme/monokai';
import 'brace/mode/json';
And also below warning came up. Here is solution of this. How can i fix it?
Automatically scrolling cursor into view after selection change this will be disabled in the next version set editor.$blockScrolling = Infinity to disable this message
And also below warning came up. Here is solution of this. How can i fix it?
Automatically scrolling cursor into view after selection change this will be disabled in the next version set editor.$blockScrolling = Infinity to disable this message
try get the editorRef by (editorRef)="editorRef($event)"
this.acEditor.$blockScrolling = Infinity
index.js:3802 GET http://localhost:4200/ext-tern.js net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)
Can you reproduce this error by giving a demo on codesandbox or stackblitz?
Hi there, I have some error issue but nothing affects it.
Here my code:
I checked my node_modules folter to load this script but i didnt found like
Any idea how to avoid this error?