gisellevonbingen / Giselle.Net.EtherNetIP

Implements EtherNet/IP messaging
MIT License
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Explanation on the implicit messaging code #8

Open YairLevi opened 2 months ago

YairLevi commented 2 months ago

Hi, I'm new to EIP in general, and from what I understood (please, correct me if i'm wrong), I specify what I want to get from the device and the device then sends data back to the client.

is this even the correct explanation?

either way, do you mind explaining what is happening in the implicit messaging example you provided? what is the instanceID 101 or 100?

This is a non-issue, more of a discussion or QnA, but this was the only place I found contact availability..

gisellevonbingen commented 2 months ago

Implicit message is no response. Each peers are only send data, in interval

InstanceID is destination of sending/receiving data. And maybe config to InstantID's values are in device configuration.

Control Techniques's a some device family is using 101, 100 as InstanceID. 101 means destination of sending data. 100 is source from reading data. And can set what data will be send/receive to parameter.

Each ids (e.g. AseemblyID, InstanceID) are different by each device product, model, maker. Please ask to maker or check device technical document.

Sorry for poor english.

YairLevi commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the quick reply! As I understand from a little research and your answer, there's usually some fixed instance ID of an assembly that contains the data that the scanner/client receives (for example, real values of certain parameters). I also found that devices usually specify a way to change that data. for example, I found that through explicit messaging, I can tell the device "don't send me the X parameter, send the Y parameter" and from that moment on, the implicit messages will contain different data from the default. Is this correct?