gislab-augsburg / helm-charts

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dave-backend: Error creating bean, elasticsearch.password #2

Closed gislab-augsburg closed 4 months ago

gislab-augsburg commented 4 months ago

Error in dave-backend pod:

Error creating bean with name 'elasticsearchConfiguration': Injection of autowired dependencies failed; 
Could not resolve placeholder 'elasticsearch.password' in value "${elasticsearch.password}"

 WARN | [main] | AnnotationConfigServletWebServerApplicationContext | [ : 591] - Exception encountered during context initialization - cancelling refresh attempt: org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'zaehlungStatusUpdater' defined in URL [jar:file:/deployments/spring-boot-application.jar!/BOOT-INF/classes!/de/muenchen/dave/scheduler/ZaehlungStatusUpdater.class]: Unsatisfied dependency expressed through constructor parameter 0; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'internalZaehlungPersistierungsService' defined in URL [jar:file:/deployments/spring-boot-application.jar!/BOOT-INF/classes!/de/muenchen/dave/services/persist/InternalZaehlungPersistierungsService.class]: Unsatisfied dependency expressed through constructor parameter 0; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'indexService' defined in URL [jar:file:/deployments/spring-boot-application.jar!/BOOT-INF/classes!/de/muenchen/dave/services/IndexService.class]: Unsatisfied dependency expressed through constructor parameter 2; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'customSuggestIndex' defined in de.muenchen.dave.repositories.elasticsearch.CustomSuggestIndex defined in @EnableElasticsearchRepositories declared on ElasticsearchConfiguration: Cannot resolve reference to bean 'elasticsearchTemplate' while setting bean property 'elasticsearchOperations'; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'elasticsearchConfiguration': Injection of autowired dependencies failed; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not resolve placeholder 'elasticsearch.password' in value "${elasticsearch.password}"
``` mb@nbo00370518:~/dave/helm-charts/charts/dave$ oc logs dave-backend-b7ff6cfd7-wstb7 Starting the Java application using /opt/jboss/container/java/run/ ... INFO exec -a "java" java -javaagent:/usr/share/java/jolokia-jvm-agent/jolokia-jvm.jar=config=/opt/jboss/container/jolokia/etc/ -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=80.0 -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=10 -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=20 -XX:GCTimeRatio=4 -XX:AdaptiveSizePolicyWeight=90 -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=200m -XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError -cp "." -jar /deployments/spring-boot-application.jar INFO running in /deployments WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred WARNING: Illegal reflective access by org.jolokia.util.ClassUtil (file:/usr/share/java/jolokia-jvm-agent/jolokia-jvm.jar) to constructor,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of org.jolokia.util.ClassUtil WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release I> No access restrictor found, access to any MBean is allowed Jolokia: Agent started with URL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____ __ __ | __ \ /\ \ \ / / | | | | / \ \ \ / / ___ | | | | / /\ \ \ \/ / / _ \ | |__| | _ / ____ \ _ \ / | __/ _ |_____/ (_) /_/ \_\ (_) \/ \___| (_) _________________________ /\\ _____ | | | | | | \ ,-----, / \\____/__|__\_ |___|_____|_____|____|_|___\ ,--'---:---`--, / | _ | `| | | | \ ==(o)-----(o)==J `(o)-------(o)= --(o)(o)--------------(o)--' Datenbank und Auswertungen von Verkehrszählungen Application Name : dave-backend Spring Boot Version : (v2.7.8) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2024.02.28 13:51:15.915 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | DaveBackendApplication | [ : 55] - Starting DaveBackendApplication using Java 11.0.22 on dave-backend-b7ff6cfd7-wstb7 with PID 1 (/deployments/spring-boot-application.jar started by 1003100000 in /deployments) 2024.02.28 13:51:15.918 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | DEBUG | [main] | DaveBackendApplication | [ : 56] - Running with Spring Boot v2.7.8, Spring v5.3.25 2024.02.28 13:51:15.920 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | DaveBackendApplication | [ : 637] - The following 1 profile is active: "dev" 2024.02.28 13:51:26.123 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | RepositoryConfigurationDelegate | [ : 262] - Multiple Spring Data modules found, entering strict repository configuration mode 2024.02.28 13:51:26.124 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | RepositoryConfigurationDelegate | [ : 132] - Bootstrapping Spring Data Elasticsearch repositories in DEFAULT mode. 2024.02.28 13:51:26.335 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | RepositoryConfigurationDelegate | [ : 201] - Finished Spring Data repository scanning in 205 ms. Found 2 Elasticsearch repository interfaces. 2024.02.28 13:51:26.420 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | RepositoryConfigurationDelegate | [ : 262] - Multiple Spring Data modules found, entering strict repository configuration mode 2024.02.28 13:51:26.420 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | RepositoryConfigurationDelegate | [ : 132] - Bootstrapping Spring Data JPA repositories in DEFAULT mode. 2024.02.28 13:51:26.612 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | RepositoryConfigurationExtensionSupport | [ : 349] - Spring Data JPA - Could not safely identify store assignment for repository candidate interface de.muenchen.dave.repositories.elasticsearch.ZaehlstelleIndex; If you want this repository to be a JPA repository, consider annotating your entities with one of these annotations: javax.persistence.Entity, javax.persistence.MappedSuperclass (preferred), or consider extending one of the following types with your repository: 2024.02.28 13:51:26.616 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | RepositoryConfigurationExtensionSupport | [ : 349] - Spring Data JPA - Could not safely identify store assignment for repository candidate interface de.muenchen.dave.repositories.elasticsearch.CustomSuggestIndex; If you want this repository to be a JPA repository, consider annotating your entities with one of these annotations: javax.persistence.Entity, javax.persistence.MappedSuperclass (preferred), or consider extending one of the following types with your repository: 2024.02.28 13:51:26.911 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | RepositoryConfigurationDelegate | [ : 201] - Finished Spring Data repository scanning in 486 ms. Found 7 JPA repository interfaces. 2024.02.28 13:51:29.624 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | RepositoryConfigurationDelegate | [ : 262] - Multiple Spring Data modules found, entering strict repository configuration mode 2024.02.28 13:51:29.625 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | RepositoryConfigurationDelegate | [ : 132] - Bootstrapping Spring Data Reactive Elasticsearch repositories in DEFAULT mode. 2024.02.28 13:51:29.810 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | RepositoryConfigurationExtensionSupport | [ : 349] - Spring Data Reactive Elasticsearch - Could not safely identify store assignment for repository candidate interface de.muenchen.dave.repositories.relationaldb.ZeitintervallRepository; If you want this repository to be a Reactive Elasticsearch repository, consider annotating your entities with one of these annotations: (preferred), or consider extending one of the following types with your repository: 2024.02.28 13:51:29.811 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | RepositoryConfigurationExtensionSupport | [ : 349] - Spring Data Reactive Elasticsearch - Could not safely identify store assignment for repository candidate interface de.muenchen.dave.repositories.relationaldb.InfoMessageRepository; If you want this repository to be a Reactive Elasticsearch repository, consider annotating your entities with one of these annotations: (preferred), or consider extending one of the following types with your repository: 2024.02.28 13:51:29.811 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | RepositoryConfigurationExtensionSupport | [ : 349] - Spring Data Reactive Elasticsearch - Could not safely identify store assignment for repository candidate interface de.muenchen.dave.repositories.relationaldb.EmailAddressRepository; If you want this repository to be a Reactive Elasticsearch repository, consider annotating your entities with one of these annotations: (preferred), or consider extending one of the following types with your repository: 2024.02.28 13:51:29.812 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | RepositoryConfigurationExtensionSupport | [ : 349] - Spring Data Reactive Elasticsearch - Could not safely identify store assignment for repository candidate interface de.muenchen.dave.repositories.relationaldb.DienstleisterRepository; If you want this repository to be a Reactive Elasticsearch repository, consider annotating your entities with one of these annotations: (preferred), or consider extending one of the following types with your repository: 2024.02.28 13:51:29.812 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | RepositoryConfigurationExtensionSupport | [ : 349] - Spring Data Reactive Elasticsearch - Could not safely identify store assignment for repository candidate interface de.muenchen.dave.repositories.relationaldb.HochrechnungsfaktorRepository; If you want this repository to be a Reactive Elasticsearch repository, consider annotating your entities with one of these annotations: (preferred), or consider extending one of the following types with your repository: 2024.02.28 13:51:29.813 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | RepositoryConfigurationExtensionSupport | [ : 349] - Spring Data Reactive Elasticsearch - Could not safely identify store assignment for repository candidate interface de.muenchen.dave.repositories.relationaldb.ChatMessageRepository; If you want this repository to be a Reactive Elasticsearch repository, consider annotating your entities with one of these annotations: (preferred), or consider extending one of the following types with your repository: 2024.02.28 13:51:29.814 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | RepositoryConfigurationExtensionSupport | [ : 349] - Spring Data Reactive Elasticsearch - Could not safely identify store assignment for repository candidate interface de.muenchen.dave.repositories.relationaldb.PkwEinheitRepository; If you want this repository to be a Reactive Elasticsearch repository, consider annotating your entities with one of these annotations: (preferred), or consider extending one of the following types with your repository: 2024.02.28 13:51:29.814 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | RepositoryConfigurationDelegate | [ : 201] - Finished Spring Data repository scanning in 188 ms. Found 0 Reactive Elasticsearch repository interfaces. 2024.02.28 13:51:33.810 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | GenericScope | [ : 283] - BeanFactory id=72baf491-10d4-373c-84b1-64d8a8b5f721 2024.02.28 13:51:42.518 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | TomcatWebServer | [ : 108] - Tomcat initialized with port(s): 39146 (http) 2024.02.28 13:51:42.611 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | Http11NioProtocol | [ : 173] - Initializing ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-39146"] 2024.02.28 13:51:42.612 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | StandardService | [ : 173] - Starting service [Tomcat] 2024.02.28 13:51:42.612 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | StandardEngine | [ : 173] - Starting Servlet engine: [Apache Tomcat/9.0.71] 2024.02.28 13:51:43.030 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | [/] | [ : 173] - Initializing Spring embedded WebApplicationContext 2024.02.28 13:51:43.030 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | ServletWebServerApplicationContext | [ : 292] - Root WebApplicationContext: initialization completed in 26511 ms 2024.02.28 13:51:48.120 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | WARN | [main] | HazelcastInstanceFactory | [ : 56] - Hazelcast is starting in a Java modular environment (Java 9 and newer) but without proper access to required Java packages. Use additional Java arguments to provide Hazelcast access to Java internal API. The internal API access is used to get the best performance results. Arguments to be used: --add-modules --add-exports java.base/jdk.internal.ref=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/ --add-opens --add-opens 2024.02.28 13:51:48.631 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | logo | [ : 56] - []:5701 [data_hazl_group] [5.1.5] + + o o o o---o o----o o o---o o o----o o--o--o + + + + | | / \ / | | / / \ | | + + + + + o----o o o o o----o | o o o o----o | + + + + | | / \ / | | \ / \ | | + + o o o o o---o o----o o----o o---o o o o----o o 2024.02.28 13:51:48.632 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | system | [ : 56] - []:5701 [data_hazl_group] [5.1.5] Copyright (c) 2008-2022, Hazelcast, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 2024.02.28 13:51:48.632 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | system | [ : 56] - []:5701 [data_hazl_group] [5.1.5] Hazelcast Platform 5.1.5 (20221114 - c52d6ff) starting at []:5701 2024.02.28 13:51:48.633 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | system | [ : 56] - []:5701 [data_hazl_group] [5.1.5] Cluster name: data_hazl_group 2024.02.28 13:51:48.633 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | system | [ : 56] - []:5701 [data_hazl_group] [5.1.5] Starting Integrity Check scan. This is a costly operation and it can be disabled if startup time is important. To disable Integrity Checker do one of the following: - Change member config using Java API: config.setIntegrityCheckerEnabled(false); - Change XML/YAML configuration property: Set hazelcast.integrity-checker.enabled to false - Add system property: -Dhz.integritychecker.enabled=false (for Hazelcast embedded, works only when loading config via Config.load) - Add environment variable: HZ_INTEGRITYCHECKER_ENABLED=false (recommended when running container image. For Hazelcast embedded, works only when loading config via Config.load) 2024.02.28 13:52:19.316 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | system | [ : 56] - []:5701 [data_hazl_group] [5.1.5] Integrity Check scan finished in 30682 milliseconds 2024.02.28 13:52:19.815 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | system | [ : 56] - []:5701 [data_hazl_group] [5.1.5] Integrity Check finished in 31181 milliseconds 2024.02.28 13:52:19.821 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | system | [ : 56] - []:5701 [data_hazl_group] [5.1.5] The Jet engine is disabled. To enable the Jet engine on the members, do one of the following: - Change member config using Java API: config.getJetConfig().setEnabled(true) - Change XML/YAML configuration property: Set hazelcast.jet.enabled to true - Add system property: -Dhz.jet.enabled=true (for Hazelcast embedded, works only when loading config via Config.load) - Add environment variable: HZ_JET_ENABLED=true (recommended when running container image. For Hazelcast embedded, works only when loading config via Config.load) 2024.02.28 13:52:23.719 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | DiscoveryService | [ : 56] - []:5701 [data_hazl_group] [5.1.5] Kubernetes Discovery properties: { service-dns: null, service-dns-timeout: 5, service-name: backend, service-port: 0, service-label: null, service-label-value: true, namespace: dave-external, pod-label: null, pod-label-value: null, resolve-not-ready-addresses: true, expose-externally-mode: AUTO, use-node-name-as-external-address: false, service-per-pod-label: null, service-per-pod-label-value: null, kubernetes-api-retries: 3, kubernetes-master: https://kubernetes.default.svc} 2024.02.28 13:52:25.036 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | DiscoveryService | [ : 56] - []:5701 [data_hazl_group] [5.1.5] Kubernetes Discovery activated with mode: KUBERNETES_API 2024.02.28 13:52:25.108 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | security | [ : 56] - []:5701 [data_hazl_group] [5.1.5] Enable DEBUG/FINE log level for log category or use system property to see 🔒 security recommendations and the status of current config. 2024.02.28 13:52:25.520 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | Node | [ : 56] - []:5701 [data_hazl_group] [5.1.5] Using Discovery SPI 2024.02.28 13:52:25.607 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | WARN | [main] | CPSubsystem | [ : 56] - []:5701 [data_hazl_group] [5.1.5] CP Subsystem is not enabled. CP data structures will operate in UNSAFE mode! Please note that UNSAFE mode will not provide strong consistency guarantees. 2024.02.28 13:52:27.524 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | Diagnostics | [ : 56] - []:5701 [data_hazl_group] [5.1.5] Diagnostics disabled. To enable add -Dhazelcast.diagnostics.enabled=true to the JVM arguments. 2024.02.28 13:52:27.616 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | LifecycleService | [ : 56] - []:5701 [data_hazl_group] [5.1.5] []:5701 is STARTING 2024.02.28 13:52:28.325 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | DiscoveryService | [ : 56] - []:5701 [data_hazl_group] [5.1.5] Cannot fetch the current zone, ZONE_AWARE feature is disabled 2024.02.28 13:52:28.424 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | WARN | [main] | DiscoveryService | [ : 56] - []:5701 [data_hazl_group] [5.1.5] Cannot fetch name of the node, NODE_AWARE feature is disabled 2024.02.28 13:52:28.613 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | WARN | [main] | KubernetesClient | [ : 56] - Kubernetes API access is forbidden! Starting standalone. To use Hazelcast Kubernetes discovery, configure the required RBAC. For 'default' service account in 'default' namespace execute: `kubectl apply -f` 2024.02.28 13:52:33.446 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | ClusterService | [ : 56] - []:5701 [data_hazl_group] [5.1.5] Members {size:1, ver:1} [ Member []:5701 - 7e41b8ef-e49e-4c3e-96fb-3bdbf9a6a8b4 this ] 2024.02.28 13:52:33.510 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | LifecycleService | [ : 56] - []:5701 [data_hazl_group] [5.1.5] []:5701 is STARTED 2024.02.28 13:52:40.912 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | DEBUG | [main] | ForwardedHeaderFilter | [ : 242] - Filter 'forwardedHeaderFilter' configured for use 2024.02.28 13:52:40.912 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | DEBUG | [main] | RequestResponseLoggingFilter | [ : 51] - Initializing filter: 2024.02.28 13:52:40.915 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | DEBUG | [main] | CacheControlConfiguration$CacheControlFilter | [ : 242] - Filter 'cacheControlFilter' configured for use 2024.02.28 13:52:40.916 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | DEBUG | [main] | ShallowEtagHeaderFilter | [ : 242] - Filter 'shallowEtagHeaderFilter' configured for use 2024.02.28 13:52:48.415 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | HikariDataSource | [ : 110] - HikariPool-1 - Starting... 2024.02.28 13:52:50.009 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [hz.ShutdownThread] | Node | [ : 56] - []:5701 [data_hazl_group] [5.1.5] Running shutdown hook... Current state: ACTIVE 2024.02.28 13:52:52.020 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | HikariDataSource | [ : 123] - HikariPool-1 - Start completed. 2024.02.28 13:52:52.613 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | LogHelper | [ : 31] - HHH000204: Processing PersistenceUnitInfo [name: default] 2024.02.28 13:52:53.914 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | Version | [ : 44] - HHH000412: Hibernate ORM core version 5.6.14.Final 2024.02.28 13:52:55.227 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | Version | [ : 56] - HCANN000001: Hibernate Commons Annotations {5.1.2.Final} 2024.02.28 13:52:56.310 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | Dialect | [ : 175] - HHH000400: Using dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect 2024.02.28 13:53:00.120 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | Version | [ : 21] - HV000001: Hibernate Validator 6.2.5.Final 2024.02.28 13:53:08.418 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | JtaPlatformInitiator | [ : 52] - HHH000490: Using JtaPlatform implementation: [org.hibernate.engine.transaction.jta.platform.internal.NoJtaPlatform] 2024.02.28 13:53:08.432 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean | [ : 437] - Initialized JPA EntityManagerFactory for persistence unit 'default' 2024.02.28 13:53:15.920 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | WARN | [main] | AnnotationConfigServletWebServerApplicationContext | [ : 591] - Exception encountered during context initialization - cancelling refresh attempt: org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'zaehlungStatusUpdater' defined in URL [jar:file:/deployments/spring-boot-application.jar!/BOOT-INF/classes!/de/muenchen/dave/scheduler/ZaehlungStatusUpdater.class]: Unsatisfied dependency expressed through constructor parameter 0; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'internalZaehlungPersistierungsService' defined in URL [jar:file:/deployments/spring-boot-application.jar!/BOOT-INF/classes!/de/muenchen/dave/services/persist/InternalZaehlungPersistierungsService.class]: Unsatisfied dependency expressed through constructor parameter 0; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'indexService' defined in URL [jar:file:/deployments/spring-boot-application.jar!/BOOT-INF/classes!/de/muenchen/dave/services/IndexService.class]: Unsatisfied dependency expressed through constructor parameter 2; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'customSuggestIndex' defined in de.muenchen.dave.repositories.elasticsearch.CustomSuggestIndex defined in @EnableElasticsearchRepositories declared on ElasticsearchConfiguration: Cannot resolve reference to bean 'elasticsearchTemplate' while setting bean property 'elasticsearchOperations'; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'elasticsearchConfiguration': Injection of autowired dependencies failed; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not resolve placeholder 'elasticsearch.password' in value "${elasticsearch.password}" 2024.02.28 13:53:15.921 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean | [ : 651] - Closing JPA EntityManagerFactory for persistence unit 'default' 2024.02.28 13:53:15.921 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | SchemaDropperImpl$DelayedDropActionImpl | [ : 538] - HHH000477: Starting delayed evictData of schema as part of SessionFactory shut-down' 2024.02.28 13:53:16.016 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | HikariDataSource | [ : 350] - HikariPool-1 - Shutdown initiated... 2024.02.28 13:53:16.022 | dave-backend | TraceId: | SpanId: ] | INFO | [main] | HikariDataSource | [ : 352] - HikariPool-1 - Shutdown completed. ```
gislab-augsburg commented 4 months ago

Nachdem elasticsearch lief und ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD gesetzt war fehlten weitere enVars:

Ich hab dann mal alle hieraus (kommt von zammad) in den ExtraEnvVars gesetzt:


Jetzt fehlt noch:

@DanielOber Weißt du, welche man da noch braucht?

gislab-augsburg commented 4 months ago

Hat sich erstmal erledigt mit #5