gisma / MetashapeTools

Scripts and Utilities for Agisoft Metashape
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Ortho+ tool: Orthoimage-post-GCP (step 4) does not process the orthomosaic after optimizing and georeferencing the sparse cloud #1

Closed Runge123 closed 1 year ago

Runge123 commented 1 year ago

Dear Chris,

I have a set of RGB images that I have processed using GCP using the otho+ tool.

I follow the steps described in the guide ( to obtain an optimized and georeferenced sparse cloud with GCPs. However, when I try to process step 4 (Orthoimage-post-GCP) I get the error: Null point coud and, therefore, I cannot generate the orthoimage on the smoothed mesh.

Point cloud refers to the optimized sparse cloud derived from SfM, or a dense point cloud from MVS? I thought I have to use the SfM sparse cloud to intepolate the mesh and calculate the orthoimage by step 4, is this correct?

Thanks :)

gisma commented 1 year ago

Hi Christian, can you sent me the log file? the code says that you need a sparsecloud active in the chunk that you are processing. and the error tells you there is no sparse cloudn

def Toolchain02():
  orthoRes ="Target Resolution of Orthoimage in meter?",value =0.03)  
  ac ="Process all Chunks?")
  if ac:
    for chunk in

      chunk =

Runge123 commented 1 year ago

Thanks Chris,

I used Reset Region option in the Model view to reenable the optimized sparse cloud, now I was able to process steap 4.

gisma commented 1 year ago
