git-for-windows / git-for-windows-automation

A few GitHub workflows and support code to help with Git for Windows' day-to-day tasks
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git-artifacts: allow building from an existing tag #34

Closed dscho closed 1 year ago

dscho commented 1 year ago

So far, we have an implementation of the common flow where the tag-git workflow is started to create "bundle-artifacts" including a Git bundle with the newly-tagged Git version and another Git bundle with the updated release notes.

However, for the just-published Git for Windows v2.39.2, we would like to build the ARM64 flavor of the artifacts, i.e. for an existing tag.

Let's introduce two new inputs (referring to an existing tag and an existing build-extra revision) that can be used instead of the input referring to a tag-git workflow run, and handle that scenario, too.