git-for-windows / git-for-windows-automation

A few GitHub workflows and support code to help with Git for Windows' day-to-day tasks
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/git-artifacts: verify that the git-sdk-* commits are newer than the corresponding Pacman indices #56

Open dscho opened 10 months ago

dscho commented 10 months ago

Every once in a while we have to /deploy packages on the same day we release a new Git for Windows version. For procedural reasons, this requires the sync workflows of the git-sdk-* repositories to be triggered so that they get the latest package updates, because it's actually the git-sdk-* files that are used to build the installer/PortableGit/etc.

In the same spirit as verifies that release notes about new packages are only added once the respective packages have actually been deployed, let's also add a sanity check to /git-artifacts to compare the timestamp of the git-sdk-* HEAD commit with the one from the respective Pacman index file, and refuse to run if the latter is newer (because that indicates that a sync is still needed to update the former).