git-for-windows / git-for-windows-automation

A few GitHub workflows and support code to help with Git for Windows' day-to-day tasks
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Add a GitHub workflow to run `updpkgsums` in PRs #62

Closed dscho closed 6 months ago

dscho commented 6 months ago

Every once in a while, the Git for Windows project receives Pull Requests from new contributors, which is great!

It can be quite frustrating, then, if something goes awry due to the unintuitive and at times arcane paradigms, e.g. Pacman's checksums that are ignored during an sdk build (because running updpkgsums is slow and gets in the way of developing exciting features).

As suggested in, we should have automation for this. Here is the git-for-windows-automation part, and I already used a development version of this GitHub workflow (triggered on push because workflow_dispatch can only be triggered if the default branch has a workflow of the same name) to update, partially to prove that this thing works (it was not totally clear to me whether the GitHub App would be permitted to push the PR branch).

dscho commented 6 months ago

@rimrul thank you for the review! I believe that I have addressed all mentioned issues.