git-for-windows / git-for-windows-automation

A few GitHub workflows and support code to help with Git for Windows' day-to-day tasks
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self-hosted runners: install pwsh #78

Closed dennisameling closed 1 month ago

dennisameling commented 1 month ago

This is not installed by default, but some of GfW's scripts expect it to be installed. Let's get it installed through the post-deployment script.

Can confirm it works as expected:

Starting post-deployment script.
Enabling Windows Developer Mode...
Enabled Windows developer mode.
Adding Microsoft Defender Exclusions...
Finished adding Microsoft Defender Exclusions.
Downloading Git for Windows...
Installing Git for Windows...
Finished installing Git for Windows.
Downloading pwsh...
Installing pwsh...
Copying pwsh-preview.cmd to pwsh.cmd as a temporary measure until 7.5.0 is out...
Finished installing pwsh.
Downloading GitHub Actions runner...
Installing GitHub Actions runner 2.316.0 as a Windows service with labels self-hosted,Windows,ARM64...
Configuring the runner to shut down automatically after running
Configuring the runner

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