git-girl / pseudo-projectile-plugin

Pseudo Projectile Plugin for ZSH - Quickly access your projects
MIT License
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RECAP: Archtitecture Decision and Issues #14

Open git-girl opened 1 year ago

git-girl commented 1 year ago

What i want

So with the plan to have some git integration and also something like enter and exit hooks that can trigger commands to be run

po work_thing 
> runs git fetch checking for new stuff asking if i want to merge in if stuff
> runs documentation server, starts dev server etc. 

close session / cd out of dir / po out of dir 
> runs the commands to gracefully shut down the servers etc. 

constantly being prompted for my ssh key would be annoying af but ok i guess i have the keepass ssh agent setup so that can be ok for the benefit of no silly merges i have to do :s .

i kinda also want window layout stuff. (but thats another thing)

What i did

I was a complete genius once again and thought i'd do a rust rewrite. Turns out that s a very mediocre idea as cd'ing around in the shell doenst work through a binary. Congrats. you played yourself.

The reason i did this originally is me not wanting to write so much shell scripting and rather wanting to learn rust. While this has some advantages i really don't think its all too worth it for this project. The dependencies and build hustles this would bring with itself is not worth it imo.

What I can do

Keep going with this as a pure shell script project

A Note

At this point this is getting a bit out of hand but its a nice hobby project i enjoy (fully if it were not for the shell scripting).

I want a lot of things for my workflow and there should be a good alternative out there, like tmux + some other stuff should work well no? i feel like im doing stuff wrong because everyone else seems so content with their set up