However, when I try to change drum or sequencer pattern it stucks and pads flashes/blinks like %1 brightness and It doesn't show any sign of sequencer etc.
When I press the User 1 button "Drum" shows up in my screen but in launchpad area there is nothing.
I think it stucks and I couldn't find a way to reset it without quitting the app. I even tried to remove cable and start it again but no luck.
I'm trying to use Launchpad MK2 with this script,
However, when I try to change drum or sequencer pattern it stucks and pads flashes/blinks like %1 brightness and It doesn't show any sign of sequencer etc.
When I press the User 1 button "Drum" shows up in my screen but in launchpad area there is nothing.
I think it stucks and I couldn't find a way to reset it without quitting the app. I even tried to remove cable and start it again but no luck.
After few minutes it returns to normal.