This took me a while to pinpoint what was going on. Long story short, DrivenByMoss with an Akai Fire makes certain VST plugs crash Reaper entirely, amongst others anything from the Melda Productions free bundle.
Verified on a fresh install with progressively adding items until Reaper crashes on said plugins and works again when the DrivenByMoss4Reaper config files are removed.
Windows 10 Pro, Reaper 6.28, DrivenByMoss4Reaper 11.7.3.
This took me a while to pinpoint what was going on. Long story short, DrivenByMoss with an Akai Fire makes certain VST plugs crash Reaper entirely, amongst others anything from the Melda Productions free bundle.
Verified on a fresh install with progressively adding items until Reaper crashes on said plugins and works again when the DrivenByMoss4Reaper config files are removed.
Windows 10 Pro, Reaper 6.28, DrivenByMoss4Reaper 11.7.3.