git-moss / DrivenByMoss

Bitwig Studio extensions for many controllers: Ableton Push I/II, Akai APC40mkI/mkII/mini, Fire, Arturia Beatstep, Novation Launchpads / Remote SLs, NI Maschine / Komplete, Open Sound Control (OSC) and many more.
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OSC - When scrolling using bank/+ and bank/-, incorrect selected track indication when out of range #311

Closed TommyC81 closed 1 year ago

TommyC81 commented 1 year ago

Software: Bitwig 4.3.4 DrivenByMoss-17.5.0-Bitwig Windows 10

When scrolling using OSC '/track/bank/+' and '/track/bank/-' and the selected track goes out of range (i.e. outside of the normally 8 tracks), there is no OSC message being sent indicating that a previously indicated "selected" track is no longer selected. In practice, this normally means that Track 1 or Track 8 remains indicated as Selected.

Note in the below log extract how there is no message indicating that /track/1 is no longer the selected track as it goes out of range (question mark in the image). A message like this would be expected where the question mark is: RECEIVE | ENDPOINT([::ffff:]:63286) ADDRESS(/track/1/selected) INT32(0)


End-state as per image below. Note: as per OSC data, track 1 is never indicated as no longer selected, although the selected track "Audio 3" is no longer in the range: image

git-moss commented 1 year ago

These commands move the banks' page by 1. It does not change any track selection. Furthermore, /track/1 is not the first track! It is the first track on the current track page! See the position attribute in your log. If you want to make the track selections you can use /track/bank/page/+ or /track/+

TommyC81 commented 1 year ago

Maybe a misunderstanding, I don't want to change selected track, I just want to scroll the track page. The bug is that no message is sent when the selected track is no longer the first track on the current page. Please note that correct messages are sent to indicate that the "relative" track on the track page is (or not) the selected track, but this message is not provided when the selected track goes outside the track page.

TommyC81 commented 1 year ago

Not sure how to describe this better. Please check the screenshots agsin: the selected track is no longer on the track page, but there is no message received saying that that "track page" track 1 is no longer the selected track.

Track 1 on the track page technically remains indicated as selected, as no more selected updates are sent as soon as the selected track goes outside the track page. This causes wrong indication in my TouchOSC interface as the box indicating selected track depends on the "/track/x/selected 1|0" message to toggle visibility.

In the screenshot in my first post, I've indicated with a "?" where I would expect a message like this to have been received: RECEIVE | ENDPOINT([::ffff:]:63286) ADDRESS(/track/1/selected) INT32(0)

When the selected track remains on the track page, "selected" messages are sent correctly (see screenshots), but fails as soon as the selected track is outside the track page i.e. goes from being track 1 to "0", or 8 to "9", relatively speaking.

TommyC81 commented 1 year ago

An additional note to highlight that the manual also indicates that a message should be sent indicating when a track {1-8} is no longer the selected track. I will create a video showing the problem as soon as time permits: image

TommyC81 commented 1 year ago

I've uploaded a video here:

Whilst preparing the video, I discovered another bug: When the selected track has gone outside the "track window" and you then select next track, it selects next track relative to the window (still assuming that the first track in the track window is selected, and thus jumps 2 steps. Check from 0:39 into the video. This link should work

git-moss commented 1 year ago

I see. Need to check.

TommyC81 commented 1 year ago

Thank you, much appreciated, hopefully it can resolved.

I'm hoping to contribute with a well-developed tablet sized TouchOSC template in return. You've done some amazing work!

git-moss commented 1 year ago

Got it! Will be fixed in the next update.

TommyC81 commented 1 year ago

Fantastic!! :-)