git-moss / DrivenByMoss

Bitwig Studio extensions for many controllers: Ableton Push I/II, Akai APC40mkI/mkII/mini, Fire, Arturia Beatstep, Novation Launchpads / Remote SLs, NI Maschine / Komplete, Open Sound Control (OSC) and many more.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
562 stars 142 forks source link

DrivenByMoss-21.5.1-Bitwig + Maschine Mikro Mk3 #375

Closed jrdnyquist closed 6 months ago

jrdnyquist commented 6 months ago

This issue is with DrivenByMoss-21.5.1-Bitwig running in Windows 11 with Bitwig v5.1 using the Maschine Mikro Mk3 device. Firmware is the latest version (0.5.2).

Loaded bitwig extension by placing in C:\Users\Studio\Documents\Bitwig\Studio\Extensions\DrivenByMoss.bwextension. Loaded C:\Users\Studio\Downloads\DrivenByMoss-21.5.1-Bitwig\resources\Maschine Mikro Mk3\DrivenByMoss.ncmm3 into the Native Instruments Controller Editor (version 2.8.2) and saved. Everting looks good in Bitwig under Settings -> Controllers.

The issue is when pad mode is selected it works as expected. However it reverts to "keyboard mode" randomly w/o any actions taken. You can switch to pad mode again and usually within a few minutes (sometimes more sometime less) it reverts back to keyboard mode. I noticed "Play" pops up briefly in a little box box in the middle of the screen when this happens but the transport does not start playing. Not sure if this is a bitwig or moss driver issue.


git-moss commented 6 months ago

That sounds like the keyboard key triggers randomly. I had similar reports where some dirt was stuck in/around the key. Did you check this? E.g. you could connect it to a MIDI monitor and see if random messages appear.

jrdnyquist commented 6 months ago

This ended up being an issue with Windows drivers. I cobbled together some powershell (be sure to launch ad administrator) scripts to reset drivers based on this article:

Disable NI services Stop-Service -Name "NIHardwareService" Set-Service -Name "NIHardwareService" -StartupType Disabled Stop-Service -Name "NIHostIntegrationAgent" Set-Service -Name "NIHostIntegrationAgent" -StartupType Disabled

Disable device KOMPLETE KONTOL M32 MIDI Disable-PnpDevice -InstanceId (Get-PnpDevice -FriendlyName "KOMPLETE KONTROL M32 MIDI").InstanceId -Confirm:$false

Rename all folders with a X- prefix Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Users\Studio\AppData\Local\Native Instruments" -Directory | Rename-Item -NewName { "X-" + $_.Name }

Rename two folders with a X- prefix Rename-Item "C:\ProgramData\Native Instruments\Controller Editor" -NewName "X-Controller Editor" Rename-Item "C:\ProgramData\Native Instruments\Komplete Kontrol" -NewName "X-Komplete Kontrol"

Enable things Enable device KOMPLETE KONTOL M32 MIDI Enable-PnpDevice -InstanceId (Get-PnpDevice -FriendlyName "KOMPLETE KONTROL M32 MIDI").InstanceId -Confirm:$false

Enable NI services Set-Service -Name "NIHardwareService" -StartupType Automatic Start-Service -Name "NIHardwareService" Set-Service -Name "NIHostIntegrationAgent" -StartupType Automatic Start-Service -Name "NIHostIntegrationAgent"

Rename all folders removing the X- prefix Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Users\Studio\AppData\Local\Native Instruments" -Directory | ForEach-Object { Rename-Item -Path $.FullName -NewName ($.Name -replace '^X-', '') }

Rename two folders removing X- prefix Don't do this! Leave the new directories. Open the controller editor and either load the backup or reload the moss template!

Rename-Item "C:\ProgramData\Native Instruments\X-Controller Editor" -NewName "Controller Editor" Rename-Item "C:\ProgramData\Native Instruments\X-Komplete Kontrol" -NewName "Komplete Kontrol"