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Provide MailChimp with a custom From Email domain (but which domain?) #198

Open tfnico opened 7 years ago

tfnico commented 7 years ago

MailChimp warns us about the following:

Deliverability warning The From email address for this campaign is set as In the near future, Gmail will implement authentication policies that could prevent your campaign from being delivered to Gmail addresses.

Sounds like some spam prevention effort. The right thing for us to do would be to have something like - in any case, whatever From-email we specify, we'll have to verify the domain (I'm guessing we have to have a valid email there) with MailChimp.

Any ideas what domain we could use, @chriscool ? I only own and I could set up a forwarder on to go to our gmail account, but it's still a bit weird.

chriscool commented 7 years ago

Yeah, I got the same warning, but I guessed that Nicola had ignored it so that it was safe to continue to ignore it.

I don't see a good solution, except perhaps asking the Git Project or the Conservancy to buy and keep a domain for us, or maybe lend us one they already have.