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Interviewing previous GSoC and Outreachy contributors #671

Open chriscool opened 10 months ago

chriscool commented 10 months ago

Once, @gitster suggested that we interview GSoC or Outreachy contributors. I think it might not be a good idea to do it during their contribution period, but I think it could be a good idea to interview them afterwards. Perhaps years after might be even better.

If they were mentored some years ago, I think it could be interesting to ask them questions like the following:

@sivaraam @jnareb and @mjaix what do you think about it?

sivaraam commented 10 months ago

Sounds like a good idea to me. It would indeed be an interesting one.

I wonder if we should keep this as a related section to "Developer Spotlight" but titled slightly differently to convey the difference in focus. May be we could call it something like "Alumni Retrospection" (or) something ?

chriscool commented 10 months ago

Yeah, I think it might be a good idea to use "Alumni Retrospection". I especially like that it's a bit different than usual and readers can easily notice it. On the other hand it might make it a bit difficult in the future to look for all the people we interviewed one way or another, but I think this is a small downside.

jnareb commented 10 months ago

I also think this is a good idea (perhaps under different name, like "From Mentee to Developer", but "Alumni Retrospection" is also a good suggestion).

We could however start with some GSoC and Outreachy statistics:

chriscool commented 10 months ago

@jnareb yeah, such statistics are very interesting, but I think it could be a separate article later. Feel free to work on it if you are interested in it. I don't think we really need it to start interviewing past contributors and interns though.

BTW we already have such information for previous GSoC in some SoC-* files, like, as Google used to ask us "What is your success/fail rate per year?" and we used to answer like this (from

Here are the numbers of passed (p), failed (f) and retained (r) students (where "retained" means "still participating on the mailing list a year or more after their GSoC") for each year:

chriscool commented 10 months ago

@jnareb if you want more statistics, let me know and I will help as I can.

sivaraam commented 7 months ago

Just for the note, I'm gathering information about contributors who've contributed via GSoC. I've put a draft MR with the information that I've gathered so far. Feel free to comment on the same.

chriscool commented 7 months ago

@sivaraam I left some comments, thanks!