gitKrystan / prettier-plugin-ember-template-tag

A prettier plugin for formatting Ember template tags
MIT License
22 stars 12 forks source link

content tag #162

Closed patricklx closed 7 months ago

patricklx commented 8 months ago

I did the update for eslint, and though that it might work for this as well.


  1. Run Preprocessor.parse from content-tag to get template locations. manually convert gjs files with <template> tags into valid JS, which doesn't change location. The <template> tag gets converted into empty objects.
  2. convert empty object AST node to a custom Template Ast node, which holds the template content.
  3. Run the estree Prettier printer, which formats the valid JS above.
  4. Grab template contents from Template AST node described above.
  5. Run the hbs Prettier printer against the template contents.
  6. Replace the Template AST node with the results from above, wrapped in <template>

others: </template> as TemplateOnlyComponent<Signature> will be left to prettiers default handling

patricklx commented 8 months ago

@gitKrystan i think this works. But you would need to remove most of the ambiguous cases...

gitKrystan commented 8 months ago

Thanks. I will look into this ASAP. Might not be until next week though.

patricklx commented 7 months ago

btw, i didn't remove the tests for the ambiguous parts. Wanted to wait on content-tag.

NullVoxPopuli commented 7 months ago

Wanted to wait on content-tag.

how do you mean? is there an issue / failing test for that project?

gitKrystan commented 7 months ago

Can you re-run pnpm install? Seems like the lock file is out of date.

patricklx commented 7 months ago

gitKrystan commented 7 months ago

The purpose of the ambiguous cases in the tests is that we don't introduce syntax errors when prettifying.


<template>Hello World</template>
(oops) => {}

We should be able to detect this case and print:

<template>Hello World</template>;
(oops) => {}
NullVoxPopuli commented 7 months ago

I'm adding failing tests for those to content-tag now :tada:

patricklx commented 7 months ago

The purpose of the ambiguous cases in the tests is that we don't introduce syntax errors when prettifying.


<template>Hello World</template>
(oops) => {}

We should be able to detect this case and print:

<template>Hello World</template>;
(oops) => {}

It would be converted to something like

export default template()
() => null

How would it happen that you introduce syntax errors? Although it works with typescript. It cannot be parsed already by babel Maybe it cannot happen anymore now?

gitKrystan commented 7 months ago

I have lots of thoughts, but no idea which ones are relevant. Please push the lockfile changes so I can run the tests and see what you are talking about. 🙏

gitKrystan commented 7 months ago

Looks like there are a few different types of test failure:

Missing visitor keys for 'Template'.

Cause unknown. This seems to be the majority of the failures.

Ambiguous cases that are now syntax errors.

With the previous ember-template-imports parsing, these were not a syntax error.

Example of a more realistic case.

const ListItem = <template><li>My Item</li></template> // no semi

    <ListItem />
    <ListItem />
    <ListItem />

If content-tag team says these are now syntax errors, we can continue to error as we do now and remove the relevant tests. (See below first, though.)

If content-tag team says these are not syntax errors, the issue needs to be fixed in the content-tag repo.

Change of behavior in other ambiguous cases.

These are still not considered syntax errors in the content-tag world, but how we are handling it seems to have changed. Will have to diff the snapshot output to determine how, but it's probably some combo of new-lines and semi-colons.

Here's an example of where the behavior change appears to be introducing a syntax error where there was none. The user added a semi-colon to prevent the syntax error and this plugin removed it.

[test:run]  FAIL  tests/unit-tests/ambiguous/arrow-parens-avoid.test.ts > ambiguous > config > arrowParens: "avoid" > (oh, no) => {} > with semi, with newline > it formats ../cases/gjs/default-export.gjs
[test:run] Error: Snapshot `ambiguous > config > arrowParens: "avoid" > (oh, no) => {} > with semi, with newline > it formats ../cases/gjs/default-export.gjs 1` mismatched
[test:run] - Expected
[test:run] + Received
[test:run]   "<template>
[test:run]     Explicit default export module top level component. Explicit default export
[test:run]     module top level component. Explicit default export module top level
[test:run]     component. Explicit default export module top level component. Explicit
[test:run]     default export module top level component.
[test:run] - </template>;
[test:run] + </template>
[test:run]   (oh, no) => {};
[test:run]   "
[test:run]  ❯ behavesLikeFormattedAmbiguousCase tests/helpers/ambiguous.ts:95:20
[test:run]      93|   try {
[test:run]      94|     const result = await format(code, formatOptions);
[test:run]      95|     expect(result).toMatchSnapshot();
[test:run]        |                    ^
[test:run]      96|   } catch (error: unknown) {
[test:run]      97|     // Some of the ambiguous cases are Syntax Errors when parsed
[test:run]  ❯ tests/helpers/ambiguous.ts:64:13

Change of behavior with config templateExportDefault: true

Cause unknown. Maybe this case just isn't handled yet. With templateExportDefault: true, we should include export default for the relevant template export.

[test:run]  FAIL  tests/unit-tests/config/template-export-default.test.ts > config > templateExportDefault: true > it formats ../cases/gjs/default-export.gjs
[test:run] Error: Snapshot `config > templateExportDefault: true > it formats ../cases/gjs/default-export.gjs 1` mismatched
[test:run] - Expected
[test:run] + Received
[test:run] - "export default <template>
[test:run] + "<template>
[test:run]     Explicit default export module top level component. Explicit default export
[test:run]     module top level component. Explicit default export module top level
[test:run]     component. Explicit default export module top level component. Explicit
[test:run]     default export module top level component.
[test:run]   </template>
[test:run]   "
[test:run]  ❯ tests/helpers/make-suite.ts:59:20
[test:run]      57|     const code = testCase.code.replaceAll(AMBIGUOUS_PLACEHOLDER, '');
[test:run]      58|     const result = await format(code, config.options);
[test:run]      59|     expect(result).toMatchSnapshot();
[test:run]        |                    ^
[test:run]      60|   });
[test:run]      61| }
patricklx commented 7 months ago

I think i missed something when pushing... Locally i didn't have Missing visitor keys for 'Template'. and had like ~300 failing tests Will check tomorrow. Basically there were only syntax errors.

gitKrystan commented 7 months ago

Thanks again for working on this!

patricklx commented 7 months ago

mmm, still 600 failing tests in ci... I'll check again tomorrow

patricklx commented 7 months ago

vitest was somehow auto updating all tests snapshots... this will need more work

patricklx commented 7 months ago

okay, now down to 360. There are some changes to semi handling.

Also, some export default where added... Not sure if they should be there . I don't think they should as default is false for it. But somehow the option.exportDefault is true

patricklx commented 7 months ago

I can probably revert the semi change by changing the ast type to function expression for the template. I think.

NullVoxPopuli commented 7 months ago

After reverting all the snapshot changes, it looks like a lot of the failures are unexpected export default

patricklx commented 7 months ago

Yes. There is also 1 bug at

But note that i only add the export default if it's enabled in the options:

patricklx commented 7 months ago

@gitKrystan are you okay with this changes to semi handling? note that in the the end < template > will be converted to a function call, not a function declaration. shall we change the ast node to CallExpression instead? and what shall we do about the syntax errors. delete the tests causing it? I just changed the catch clause to handle the parse errors from content-tag

it looks like you expected this to happen?

In this case, some of the ambiguous expressions may result in a syntax error, in which case our Prettier plugin would error instead of formatting, similar to how Prettier already handles plain JavaScript syntax errors. Other ambiguous expressions may have their "ambiguity" resolved within the parser, allowing them to be printed as the recommendations show above.

see link

patricklx commented 7 months ago

now all green

patricklx commented 7 months ago

nope, example is failing. content-tag does not like vite build. can we just tsc build to dist, or do you want to have this work in browser env as well?

edit: just set content-tag as external, now works. but browser env will not

NullVoxPopuli commented 7 months ago

content-tag does not like vite build.

Content-tag in browsers won't work until this is merged:

Demo of usage:

cc @ef4

patricklx commented 7 months ago

@gitKrystan I think this is ready.

I wonder if the ambiguous handling is still relevant with content-tag? its using a custom parser to transform the code, so syntax errors will cause an error here as well. So now the ambiguous handling only has impact at runtime. maybe it should be the responsibility of eslint or glint to warn the user of constructs like <template></template> + x <template></template>['as']

edit: I realized now that its not ready... some ambiguous constructs actually can cause content-tag to fail parsing. So custom semi handling is required, I was trying to emulate it with AST nodes, but that does not seem possible

patricklx commented 7 months ago

@gitKrystan i was able to minimize the changes to semi handling. what do you think? i also thought of another way to check if a semi is required or not. by printing the next node with semi: false, look at the result and then fixup the previous builders.doc result. i will cleanup the code more later.

gitKrystan commented 7 months ago

Thanks again for all this work!

Re: the cases causing syntax errors. Let's keep them for now since they get swallowed anyway. As we've discovered, what counts as a syntax error might change as the implementation of content-tag evolves.

Re: ambiguous cases, we want to follow Prettier's current patterns as discussed here. We can/should update that analysis if necessary since content-tag doesn't produce an array like ember-template-imports did. Check out this example.

patricklx commented 7 months ago

ambiguous cases: i think the only difference is when there are multiple templates in succession. then no semi is needed anymore.


its either wrapped in a static {} for class properties or exported default. or will end up with a function call, which also works without semi

patricklx commented 7 months ago

@gitKrystan squashed commits, its ready now