gitabtion / ConvBert-PyTorch

🤗An unofficial PyTorch implementation of ConvBert based on huggingface/transformers.
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How to prepare the train_file and test_file for running the [] ? #3

Closed Lukelluke closed 3 years ago

Lukelluke commented 3 years ago

hi, @gitabtion , Here fresh man in NLP,could u tell me how to to prepare the [train_file] and [test_file] so as to run your code.

All the best, Luke Huang

gitabtion commented 3 years ago

should be in a text file with one text sample per row. like this:

The CoRg system is a system to solve commonsense reasoning problems. The core of the CoRg system is the automated theorem prover Hyper that is fed with large amounts of background knowledge. This background knowledge plays a crucial role in solving commonsense reasoning problems. In this paper we present different ways to use knowledge graphs as background knowledge and discuss challenges that arise. 
Despite the recent successes of deep learning, such models are still far from some human abilities like learning from few examples, reasoning and explaining decisions. In this paper, we focus on organ annotation in medical images and we introduce a reasoning framework that is based on learning fuzzy relations on a small dataset for generating explanations. Given a catalogue of relations, it efficiently induces the most relevant relations and combines them for building constraints in order to both solve the organ annotation task and generate explanations. We test our approach on a publicly available dataset of medical images where several organs are already segmented. A demonstration of our model is proposed with an example of explained annotations. It was trained on a small training set containing as few as a couple of examples. 
We consider intuitionistic variants of linear temporal logic with `next', `until' and `release' based on expanding posets: partial orders equipped with an order-preserving transition function. This class of structures gives rise to a logic which we denote $\iltl$, and by imposing additional constraints we obtain the logics $\itlb$ of persistent posets and $\itlht$ of here-and-there temporal logic, both of which have been considered in the literature. We prove that $\iltl$ has the effective finite model property and hence is decidable, while $\itlb$ does not have the finite model property. We also introduce notions of bounded bisimulations for these logics and use them to show that the `until' and `release' operators are not definable in terms of each other, even over the class of persistent posets. 
Understanding stories is a challenging reading comprehension problem for machines as it requires reading a large volume of text and following long-range dependencies. In this paper, we introduce the Shmoop Corpus: a dataset of 231 stories that are paired with detailed multi-paragraph summaries for each individual chapter (7,234 chapters), where the summary is chronologically aligned with respect to the story chapter. From the corpus, we construct a set of common NLP tasks, including Cloze-form question answering and a simplified form of abstractive summarization, as benchmarks for reading comprehension on stories. We then show that the chronological alignment provides a strong supervisory signal that learning-based methods can exploit leading to significant improvements on these tasks. We believe that the unique structure of this corpus provides an important foothold towards making machine story comprehension more approachable. 
We have proposed going beyond traditional ontologies to use rich semantics implemented in programming languages for modeling. In this paper, we discuss the application of executable semantic models to two examples, first a structured definition of a waterfall and second the cardiopulmonary system. We examine the components of these models and the way those components interact. Ultimately, such models should provide the basis for direct representation.