gitbock / fritzboxtr064

Binding for openHAB for communicating with AVM FritzBox
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callmonitor_ringing still ON when call got answered #13

Open johfeu opened 8 years ago

johfeu commented 8 years ago


i have a rule which turns on some switches when the phone is rining, but callmonitor_ringing is still ON even when the call is answered. If I understand the code correctly everything just gets reset when something disconnects. I think callmonitor_ringing should get set to OFF when the phone is not actually ringing :-) My workaround is Item fboxRinging changed from ON to OFF or Item fboxActive changed from OFF to ON but it really looks like a workaround to me and I have no idea how it would behave if i would use multple lines on my fritzbox. So far its working ok, since i am only using one line. But i guess it would turn off my switches when somebody initiates a call on number 1 even when there is still an incoming call on number 2.

Any Ideas?

Thanks, Johannes

hoalex commented 8 years ago

I also have this problem in my openHAB configuration. My scenario involves letting Hue lights blink when a call is incoming -- and to stop blinking as soon as either the call is answered or the other side hangs up. Unfortunately, no "OFF"-update is sent on the Event Bus to the Swich item when the call is being answered.

jd1 commented 7 years ago

I have the same problem.

@johfeu what's the definition of fboxActive? I can't find an item whit this name in

johfeu commented 7 years ago

This is my item config

Switch  fboxRinging         "Phone ringing [%s]"      <siren>      (GF_Central_Fritz) {fritzboxtr064="callmonitor_ringing" }
Switch  fboxActive          "Phone Call Active"       <call>      (GF_Central_Fritz) {fritzboxtr064="callmonitor_active" }

I also cant find it in the docs, not sure how I found it back then but it works and seems to be handled here