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Submission Guidelines
If you are not using the latest release, please update and see if the issue is resolved before submitting an issue
General questions or high-level topics should be posted in Discussions
Please browse the online Documentation to see if your question is already addressed there
Issue Category
[ ] Enhancement
[X] Bug
[ ] Question
[ ] Documentation gap/issue
Product Versions
Please specify what version of the library you are using......: [ ^3.9.0 ]
Please specify what version(s) of PowerPoint you are targeting: [ MICROSOFT POWERPOINT FOR MAC Version 16.90 AND ONLINE PPT Viewers ]
Please specify what web browser you are using.................: [ BRAVE ]
Desired Behavior
On passing data array with multiple objects to addchart function it works fine and on passing single object to data array, ppt should be generated .
Observed Behavior
-- On passing data array with multiple objects to addchart function it works fine and on passing single object to data array, broken ppt is generated and even after repairing it chart slide comes empty.
Steps to Reproduce
Add following data to addChart function(in values array tried replacing undefined with 0, still got the same result:broken ppt, on passing 21 such objects in data array, functional ppt is generated without breaking ):
We appreciate your feedback - to help the team understand your needs please complete the following template to ensure we have the details to help.
Submission Guidelines
Issue Category
Product Versions
Desired Behavior
Observed Behavior
-- On passing data array with multiple objects to addchart function it works fine and on passing single object to data array, broken ppt is generated and even after repairing it chart slide comes empty.
Steps to Reproduce
Add following data to addChart function(in values array tried replacing undefined with 0, still got the same result:broken ppt, on passing 21 such objects in data array, functional ppt is generated without breaking ):
const stackedbarData = [{ "name": "CBDCA", "labels": ["201401", "201402", "201403", "201404", "201405", "201406", "201407", "201408", "201409", "201410", "201411", "201412", "201501", "201502", "201503", "201504", "201505", "201506", "201507", "201508", "201509", "201510", "201511", "201512", "201601", "201602", "201603", "201604", "201605", "201606", "201607", "201608", "201609", "201610", "201611", "201612", "201701", "201702", "201703", "201704", "201705", "201706", "201707", "201708", "201709", "201710", "201711", "201712", "201801", "201802", "201803", "201804", "201805", "201806", "201807", "201808", "201809", "201810", "201811", "201812", "201901", "201902", "201903", "201904", "201905", "201906", "201907", "201908", "201909", "201910", "201911", "201912", "202001", "202002", "202003", "202004", "202005", "202006", "202007", "202008", "202009", "202010", "202011", "202012", "202101", "202102", "202103", "202104", "202105", "202106", "202107", "202108", "202109", "202110", "202111", "202112"], "values": [undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 0, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 0, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, 100, 0, undefined, 100, 100, 100, 0, 100, 100, 0, 100, undefined, 100, 100, 100, 100, 0, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100] }];
slide.addChart('bar',stackedbarData, {barDir: "col" barGrouping: "percentStacked" catAxisLabelFontFace: "Arial" catAxisLabelFontSize: 6 catAxisOrientation: "minMax" catAxisTitle: " " catAxissubNodelabelColor: "000000" chartColors: (2)['#935AD6', '#6BC2ED'] h: 3.5 legendFontSize: 8 legendPos: "t" showCatAxisTitle: true showLegend: true showPercent: true showValAxisTitle: true valAxisLabelFormatCode: "#%" valAxisMajorUnit: 0.2 valAxisTitle: "Market Share (%)" w: 8 x: 1 y: 1});
This generates a broken PPT.