gitbutlerapp / gitbutler

The GitButler version control client, backed by Git, powered by Tauri/Rust/Svelte
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🚀 Feature: Support Azure DevOps #2651

Open cftad opened 9 months ago

cftad commented 9 months ago

Like the existing GitHub integration, support for viewing and raising PRs for Azure DevOps would be great. 😄

cddigi commented 7 months ago

So far, I have not had any issue using DevOps with GitButler for Windows, I was able to just add my exiting repo to GB and it worked. It picks up the RSA key on my machine that I've added to my DevOps profile and is able to create and branch and push to remote. However, when trying to open commits that were pushed to Azure DevOps, it is using the wrong URL format.

What GitButler produces:<organization>/<project-name>/<repo-name>/commit/<hash>

The actual link to the commit:<organization>/<project-name>/_git/<repo-name>/commit/<hash>

This is the repo that DevOps has me use for SSH:<organization>/<project-name>/<repo-name>

DylanSnel commented 7 months ago

@cddigi How do you create a PR for devops with it? Am i missing a button?

cddigi commented 7 months ago

I never got a button to create the PR from within GitButler like I would for GitHub. It only offers a button to view the commit on DevOps, it's that button which is giving me the invalid URL.

Caleb-T-Owens commented 3 months ago

Marked as good first issue, git host support can be added incrementally; for example, listing pull requests can be added without continuous integration reporting. Feel free to do piece by piece

Byron commented 3 months ago

As a gitoxide related note, once gitoxide performs clones for added performance with big repositories, it would need this issue to be fixed, or GB needs to special case this and use git while it's not fixed.