gitcoinco / passport

Passport allows users to prove their identity through a secure, decentralized UI
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Implement Collapsible Stamp Categories on the Dashboard #2437

Closed erichfi closed 1 month ago

erichfi commented 2 months ago

User Story:

As a Passport user, I want to see my stamps organized into collapsible categories on the dashboard, So that I can easily manage and view stamps by category according to their relevance and value.

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN I am logged into my Passport dashboard, WHEN I navigate to the "My Stamps" section, THEN I should see my stamps organized into the following categories: Blockchain & Crypto Networks, Government IDs, Social & Professional Platforms, and Biometric Verification.

AND WHEN I click on a category header, THEN the category should expand or collapse, showing or hiding the stamps under that category.

AND WHEN the categories are displayed, THEN stamps within each category should be ordered by the number of points they contribute to my total score, from highest to lowest.

AND WHEN I access the dashboard, THEN all categories should initially be in an expanded state.

Product & Design Links:

Figma Link:

Tech Details:

Open Questions:


erichfi commented 1 month ago

To improve the user experience with the collapsible stamp categories, I propose that we enhance the hover interaction. Specifically, when a user hovers over the section title (essentially the entire clickable area), the cursor should change to a pointer. This visual feedback will clearly indicate that the section is interactive and can be clicked to expand or collapse. This small UI adjustment can significantly improve the intuitiveness and usability of the feature.