gitcoinco / passport

Passport allows users to prove their identity through a secure, decentralized UI
936 stars 449 forks source link

Update Blocknative to include Scroll #2616

Open Jeremy-Gitcoin opened 1 week ago

Jeremy-Gitcoin commented 1 week ago

User Story:

As a Scroll end user I want to be able to login to Passport So that I can create and use Passport

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN a user comes to the Passport Dashboard WHEN they are on the Scroll network THEN they can login and use Passport the same as OP, Eth L1, or any other supported chain

Remove the warning triangle when a user comes to Gitcoin Passport and attempts to login from the Scroll network

Product & Design Links:

#### Tech Details: #### Open Questions: #### Notes/Assumptions: