gitcoinco / skunkworks

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harberger taxes for gitcoin grants ad space #166

Open owocki opened 4 years ago

owocki commented 4 years ago

owocki commented 4 years ago

OP12:24 PM oh interesting! 12:24 PMso that would never raise enough money 12:25 PMbecause no one would pay more than the reward from being at the top, which is itself just a bigger part of the match 12:26 PMI suppose if it's an ad slot that's theoretically open to any project to advertise themselves...

@owocki | Gitcoin12:30 PM It’d be interesting to see how the rational economic equilibrium between the benefit of owning the ad slot and the cost balances out 12:30 PMI predict that people will get a boost in donations when they purchase the ad, but it will decay as the novelty wears off 12:31 PMThis creating an economic incentive for them to sell. To give someone else the boost. (edited) 12:31 PMHopefully this prevents entrenchment of an oligarchical class, who just dominate all the time by buying the top real estate. 12:32 PMTotal speculation until/if we do a prototype tho 12:33 PM OP so that would never raise enough money Agree. But I wonder if it could augment by funding 1/8, 1/4, or even 1/2 of each round ... VB OP12:33 PM there's also costs, eg. it could cement large recipients

@owocki | Gitcoin12:34 PM Yeah. Oligarchical class .. (edited) 12:36 PMI wonder if that could be offset by giving some ad slots to “up and coming/trending projects” too . And populating that with projects gaining broad democratic support in short bursts of time.