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If Ethereum is going to win, we need great UX for cross-L2 experiences. PROPOSALS WANTED #251

Open owocki opened 2 years ago

owocki commented 2 years ago

Problem Framing

Ethereum is a modular blockchain. Solana, BSC, EOS, and others are all monolithic blockchains. Learn more about modular vs monolithic blockchains here

Right now, the UX of monolithic blockchains is much nicer than for modular blockchains. By trading off decentralization for throughput, these blockchains have created a much easier user experience for users in that they are

  1. (for now) low fee / high throughput
  2. (always) much easier UX, as you dont need to transfer assets between L2.

How might we solve it?

I am of the opinion that in order for modular blockchains are going to win, they need to close the UX gap with monolithic blockchains.

In order to do that, we need someone building tooling to make creating a great UX really really easy for modular blockchains.

But so far, anyone who is capable of doing this is already working at a L2. L2s are well capitalized and have sucked up a lot of talent in the space! This is a feature, not a bug, of course. We need great L2s for Ethereums scaling strategy to work.

But it has created a lack of talent for the public good of great cross-L2 experirence. We need to create a Switzerland of L2s - a provider agnostic toolchain for making L2 swaps/ cross-rollup swaps easy-peasy for dApps and wallets.

The Bounty

This is a request for proposals to solve that problem.

I want to see someone create a provider-agnostic SDK that makes it easy to integrate with any L2 or sidechain. Such a SDK would be an If This Then That of Blockchains. It would do for blockchain APIs what Sendgrid did for SMTP. It would create a common API for interacting with any L2 or sidechain native, and you could program it as follows

  1. If X happens on Shard Y, then Z should happen on Shard A.
  2. Once Z happens, the trigger B and C on Rollup D.
  3. etc..

This tool must be integrateable across any wallet or dapp in the space, and it must not be custodial. That probably means that its a JS SDK or a SAAS tool.

Please submit your proposal for the creation of such a tool. If I get any good proposals, I will throw up to 5 ETH to up to 3 builders who are working on it. If a very credible proposal & team appears, I will also introduce these candidates to my contacts at the Ethereum Foundation + other important ecosystem building bodies, for considering for other types of support.

Deadline for submissions is 1/1/2022

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

This issue now has a funding of 5.0 ETH (20776.21 USD @ $4155.24/ETH) attached to it.

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work has been started.

These users each claimed they can complete the work by 265 years from now. Please review their action plans below:

1) sheershdha has started work.

Agree with your L2 statement , its a hard work will take time about month.

Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

The funding of 5.0 ETH (18763.59 USD @ $3752.72/ETH) attached to this issue has been cancelled by the bounty submitter

owocki commented 2 years ago

the only proiposal i see is from @controlcpluscontrolv.

if anyone else has submissions i should run by my contacts at the EF, let me know.

owocki commented 2 years ago

oh and @chriscassano Dmed me one on twitter

owocki commented 2 years ago

Talked to my contact at the EF and they said "We're looking for someone higher level to "own" L2 strategy at the EF rather than just the subset of the problem." Would either of the submitters be interested in owning the high level strategy for cross L2 UX? I think that'd be a full time role.

Still figuring out how to award the bounty $$$$. Whats the next step for each of your proposals, are they moving forward regardless of what we do?

ControlCplusControlV commented 2 years ago

@owocki it would be helpful if you could elaborate on what it would mean to "own" an L2 Strategy, as I am still a little unclear at the moment.

As far as the next step for us, we are definitely interested in working on cross roll-up contract communication but without support there are other opportunities in the roll-up space we'd want to focus our immediate attention on.

owocki commented 2 years ago

it just means owning the L2 UX investmesnt from the EF's perspective. if you're interested, i can intro you to someone at the EF to talk more. email me?

ControlCplusControlV commented 2 years ago
