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Build a cross-layer-2-bridge. #253

Closed owocki closed 2 years ago

owocki commented 2 years ago

This is a bounty to implement @vbuterin's idea of a decentralized cross-layer-2 bridge.

Idea described in more detail here:

The prize for this bounty is one winner who gets 10 ETH and an introduction to the EF Grants Team. At our discretion, we may reward secondary prizes if (and only if) there are multiple high quality submissions.

How it works:

  1. read the spec
  2. create a cross layer 2 bridge prototype (ui, smart contract).
  3. submit work on Gitcoin by 3/1/2022 (march 1 2022).
gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

This issue now has a funding of 10.0 ETH (39188.02 USD @ $3918.8/ETH) attached to it.

owocki commented 2 years ago

pls join this telegram channel if you have questions!

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work has been started.

These users each claimed they can complete the work by 264 years, 5 months from now. Please review their action plans below:

1) bmcyoungboy has started work.

I have work the xmr project to enable user regenerate extra tone of coin which drive an incent locomotive source of python script. 2) vthonte has started work.

Will try to implement Cross-rollup DEX with smart contracts on the destination side. 3) sichyo03 has started work.

good project great project nice project 4) redmidelapannn has started work.

Iwjshssbdbdbdjdjdjdjddjdndnfbfbfbfbffnfnfgbhfjdjd 5) dxganta has started work.

sounds pretty interesting. working on it 6) developerfred has started work.

I would love to implement this bridge, I have experience in building bridges and I have been researching for a year how to scale ETH with L2, it will be amazing to be able to work with a Vitalk survey 7) amritkumarj has started work.

I will create a bridge between two etherum based rollups as written in the docs and also a simple frontend website 8) nguyenvuidol93 has started work.

I'm ready for work. Give me everything you want. thank 9) wartstone has started work.

1) check current layer 2 protocal 2) get a draft on the workflow 3) have a demo on this 4) testify that it works 5) full feature 6) test covered 10) shr1ftyy has started work.

I will deploy the required contracts to get the bridge running across two L2 chains, along with a frontend to connect to them. 11) 117kothiha has started work.

I am in position . ready to .......... 12) jaydjayg has started work.

-Document in detal every single step taken to the make the EDCL2B -To investigate every listed main concept to build a conceptual map. -Visually describe the bridge smart contract requirements in detail. -Define the technology and tools that would help me succeed. -Set up the testing environment and cases based on the EDCL2B smart contract flow. -Define possible smart contract edge cases. -Build MVP and test against edge cases. -Deploy different contracts and record outcomes. -Submit my work to gitcoin 13) twpony has started work.

I will try to build the cross-layer-2 bridge to realize vbuterin's idea. The project may focus on Defi application. 14) mgemistos has started work.

My family has been very poor since I was a child. I don't have enough to eat every day. I often sleep by the road. I really want to get this reward. Please give me this reward 16) harryge00 has started work.

Just very interested in it. Try to complete 17) chrisaiki has started work.

Looks like to me? 18) duongsky96 has started work.

0xd1b5AF7A6CD1f98Da5b8Ac247F839047254663A5 19) sherifahmed990 has started work.

1-Read the specs. 2-Implement the required prototype. 20) qizhou has started work.

  1. Choose one L1/L2 and implement smart contracts to realize the idea;
  2. Local test code to verify;.
  3. Testnet deployment and verify via etherscan. 21) 0xbbpizza has started work.

MVP will include 1,2,3 functions as I listed below, and they will be completed first; if time is enough, I will finish 4,5,6 in order.

  1. Source-domain-side smart contract (Source-domain will choose one from arbitrum, optimism, polygon)

  2. Destination-domain-side smart contract (L1) 2.1 Proof contract for Source-domain 2.2 script for creat proof

  3. UI

  4. LP Node

  5. Other Destination-domain-side smart contracts (arbitrum, optimism)

  6. New Proof contract for Source-domain which runs on L2 (reduced gas consumption of proof)

I will develop the above list and share the links of the results in time. 22) 0xorbiter has started work.

Happy to see @vbuterin's cross-L2 idea again. I have been developing the cross-L2 bridge for half a year, but I used the optimistic bridge way to implement it, and the SPV contract only called when a dispute occurs.

-There is already a complete solution and a security model.


-In an optimistic environment where no one is evil, the mutual transfer of USDC and USDT in zkSync, Mainnet, and Arbitrum has been implemented, and the LP node has been launched.

-The market maker client is done.

-Maker Deposit Contract and Event Binding Contract are finished.

-Develop SPV contracts for different networks. The SPV for Mainnet is done, the SPV for zkSync will be done in 2 weeks. 23) malato2021ma has started work.

Your response will be reflected in a comment on the Github issue 24) soheil555 has started work.

It looks interesting. l will try to implement it 25) chaitali007 has started work.

I Will Try To Do The Work For You Because Not For Money But To Learn New Some Thing 26) haowang0402 has started work.

I would like to start to work on this project.

  1. Create a bridge between arbitrum and optimism
  2. Create a front-end. 27) maxx6262 has started work.

I'll try to build both cross wallets contracts from chains and UI builded with WEB3.js and NodeJS/Bootstrap 28) jakegk22 has started work.

Sounds like a lot of fun to implement/figure out. I'll give it a try. 29) mardin93 has started work.

zxccvvbbnmm,m,,kjjhgdtrsewqwlihgfdsefhiolkjhfdsasrtyuiolnfdxzxcvbjkuytr 30) sam-goldman has started work.

Going to build it according to the spec and reach out if I have questions! 31) manyrios has started work.

deliver the cross layer 2 bridge prototype. It sounds good 32) kunpengren has started work.

Read spec Implement demo Implement website 33) gitcoincode has started work.

I'll build you the Cross-Layer-2-Bridge

Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 10.0 ETH (12425.9 USD @ $1242.59/ETH) has been submitted by:

  1. @duongsky96
  2. @0xorbiter
  3. @wartstone
  4. @cyber-bot
  5. @qizhou
  6. @0xbbpizza
  7. @soheil555
  8. @shr1ftyy
  9. @sherifahmed990
  10. @gitcoincode

@owocki please take a look at the submitted work:

owocki commented 2 years ago

hey all; submissiuons are now closed.

thanks for your hard work on this!

ill ask Vitalik what he thinks of the submission + when i can get some time on his calendar to judge this + do payouts ill revert back.

owocki commented 2 years ago

@sherifahmed990 @Shr1ftyy @soheil555 @0xbbPizza @qizhou @cyber-bot @wartstone @houhou139 @duongsky96

I am working with @vbuterin on judging the submissions this week. Please either post your telegram handle or DM me on telegram (i'm owocki on tg) with a link to your submission. From there I will create a private chat for us to talk details of each submission (Vitalik has questions for each of you).

gitcoinbot commented 2 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

The funding of 10.0 ETH (10555.35 USD @ $1050.11/ETH) attached to this issue has been cancelled by the bounty submitter

owocki commented 2 years ago

Hey everyone,

I chatted with Vitalik and he has selected a handful of winners for this bounty. We will be contacting winners seperately in the next 24-72 hours.

Thanks to everyone who participated!