gitcoinco / skunkworks

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distributed sprint planning #43

Open owocki opened 6 years ago

owocki commented 6 years ago

just had an interesting convo with a community member for gitcoin.

basically her vision for gitcoin’s toolset was that a funder could a sprint of development work.. then all the tickets get prioritized and estimated… and then bountied in a batch

which i think is interesting an aggressive because its taking the traditional sprint cycle and making it into a DAO

pasting some notes below:

    when a sprint is planned, the sprint is funded then all the bounties are placed on github
    estimates flow into the funding of each bounty
    that type of integration would be useful eventually

    theyre using asana
        they added a custom field for bounties so far

    not talking about her business.  talking about the DAO[

    discoverability: integration with our website... we can show the issues... and then it sends the user to github or gitcoin

    shooting for this quarter to build this
    sometime this month building the community```
thelostone-mc commented 6 years ago

Oh this is neat :O sprint planning over the internet more iterative -> issuer is more involved -> bounties have higher chances of acceptance