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(fun experimental content project) Write an outline for a 10 page book called 'Everybody Ships' #75

Open owocki opened 6 years ago

owocki commented 6 years ago

I'm just toying around with this idea, so this is a fun bounty. If it goes well it might blossom into actually creating the book.

My daughter is about to go through pottytraining and we've just purchased the book Everybody Poops which is a famous book here in the US thats helped parents all over the world with potty training .

I've previously written about how important SHIPPing is to the space. It's important that 'Everybody Ships'.

In that spirit, I would like to put together a fun little 10 page book called 'Everybody Ships'.

I would like for someone to help me come up with the content for this book. There are two tracks for the content

The copy

The actor who ships, and something specific about how they ship. Some example:

The copy doesnt have to be clever. It just has to be positive, playful and thoughtfully involve one of the best brands in the blockchain space (pls no ICO shills).

I will give 0.1 ETH to each person who submits content that makes it into the book. We will choose content that goes into the book by the number of upvotes (github emojis) on the suggestion.

The illustrations

The illustrations are going to make or break this project! Please only try to do an illustration if you have a background in illustration and a portfolio yo ucan share with the group.

Total Bounty

= 3.4 ETH total!

gitcoinbot commented 6 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

This issue now has a funding of 1.1 ETH (622.74 USD @ $566.12/ETH) attached to it.

kelvintyb commented 6 years ago

My submission for copy:

The Ark team ships really smart bridges.

uivlis commented 6 years ago

Swarm ships shipping space for other shippers.

uivlis commented 6 years ago

Decentraland ships on a whole new scale. In fact, they ship a whole new world.

bockp commented 6 years ago

Loom Network ships decentralized zombies and side-chain technology for the large-scale DApps of tomorrow. And then some more zombies.

uivlis commented 6 years ago

Some ship fast, others ship good, Ships are code, not made of wood. Holy ship, that ship is good, Would you ship please? Yes, I would.

makoto commented 6 years ago

ENS ships on May 4th (be with you)

bockp commented 6 years ago

The Gitcoin Team ships with bounties,

The Gitcoiners (gitcoineers ?) ships with solutions.

owocki commented 6 years ago

i love this

after a few more submissions im gonna recruit some artists

mockmew commented 6 years ago

Steemit Community ships powered by Graphene

mockmew commented 6 years ago

Protocol Labs ships in InterPlanetary File System(IPFS)

uivlis commented 6 years ago

Golem ships distributed computer power

uivlis commented 6 years ago

Toshi is a mobile OS. They ship infrastructure for bots and dapps.

palash25 commented 6 years ago

Here are my submmissions

Parity ships Ethereum in Rust They also ship Bitcoin in Rust

palash25 commented 6 years ago

Protocol Labs ships IPLD to unify them all

palash25 commented 6 years ago

Akasha ships a Decentralized Social Media Network

palash25 commented 6 years ago

Protocol Labs ships a network stack They call it libp2p

palash25 commented 6 years ago

Cosmos wants to ship an internet of blockchains

bockp commented 6 years ago

@owocki I've put an APB out for artists over at Slothicorn's Discord, there'll be some motivated graphic designers over there for sure !

offgridlife commented 6 years ago

Steemit ships Steem in seconds flat.

offgridlife commented 6 years ago

Steemmonsters ships @steemmonster Booster packs for just a little Steem.

offgridlife commented 6 years ago ships great content and reminds of great content all day long.

offgridlife commented 6 years ago ships the Manna Crypto currency: a Free Universal Basic Income every 7 days. Free Manna is only available to humans and not robots.

gcamerli commented 6 years ago

Cardano ships Ouroboros.

offgridlife commented 6 years ago

I am a digital artist and can ship all the illustrations you need.

gitcoinbot commented 6 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work for 1.1 ETH (665.9 USD @ $605.36/ETH) has been submitted by:

  1. @bockp

@owocki please take a look at the submitted work:

gcamerli commented 6 years ago

@owocki it seems we can't start the work besides @bockp. Is it normal that the project type is set to Traditional?

bockp commented 6 years ago

Looks like it's categorized as a normal project (1 worker/time). I'll mark myself as having stopped work. This really should be marked as cooperative, shouldn't it ? @owocki ?

bockp commented 6 years ago

But since it's marked as traditional, I'm guessing the normal gitcoin submission protocol doesn't really apply. Owoci'll probably message the "chosen" ones individually for addresses or something similar.

Ozymandiasworks commented 6 years ago

There are many types of ships Some go out to sea ARK doesnt get wet or drip but ships blockchains for you and me

Ozymandiasworks commented 6 years ago

One Ship Two Ship Private Ship Enigma Ship

Ozymandiasworks commented 6 years ago

BAT ships you Ad free Browsing

Ozymandiasworks commented 6 years ago

ZRX ships you a beautiful world of exchange

owocki commented 6 years ago

shoot i screwed up and marked this as traditional..

i just went in and admin overrided it to be a cooperative bounty

Ozymandiasworks commented 6 years ago

Last Page:

You see no matter what project you're on, where you come form or what language you code....Everybody Ships....

gitcoinbot commented 6 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Started 3. Submitted 4. Done

Work has been started.

These users each claimed they can complete the work by 8 months, 1 week ago. Please review their action plans below:

1) gcamerli has started work.

I will ship

Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.

2) bockp has started work.

To Ship often or to ship all the time, that is the question.

Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.

3) kelvintyb has started work.

Provided my suggestion in the first comment :)

Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.

4) uivlis has started work.

ship ship ship

Learn more on the Gitcoin Issue Details page.

bockp commented 6 years ago

Gitcoin ships the shippers that ship functional solutions (a bit exaggerated, but we ARE part of the product, technically ;) )

bockp commented 6 years ago

The Pineapple Arcade ships several small fortunes in cryptocurrency... hidden in the depths of agonizingly difficult puzzles, themselves hidden inside a digital arcade.

bockp commented 6 years ago

Cryptokitties ships cats, and by extension the entire cultural heritage of the Interwebs.

Ozymandiasworks commented 6 years ago

[] e352593d-a8f3-416d-b037-487c206077aa (url)

Ozymandiasworks commented 6 years ago

Back cover

e352593d-a8f3-416d-b037-487c206077aa 1

owocki commented 6 years ago

very cool @dustindreifuerst . now that i look again at the specs, we might have to modify it a little bit to fit this requriement:

Please assume that we are going to create a book that is Square 10" x 10".

i am traveling right now, but when i get back i'll get us organized about getting some illustrators involved in creating the pages for the book. meantime, pls upvote your vote page ideas by using the github emoji respond feature

Ozymandiasworks commented 6 years ago

No problem!

owocki commented 6 years ago

@dustindreifuerst @offgridlife can you get in touch with me via (our slack) to talk about doing the illustrations?

owocki commented 6 years ago

Everyone else on this -- Please fill out this google form to get paid!

Since isn't built yet, I'm going to cancel the bounty and then pay you out directly in ETH!

gitcoinbot commented 6 years ago

Issue Status: 1. Open 2. Cancelled

The funding of 1.1 ETH (567.25 USD @ $515.68/ETH) attached to this issue has been cancelled by the bounty submitter

owocki commented 6 years ago

@dustindreifuerst @offgridlife i see dustin's DM on slack. @offgridlife can you join too? and then join the #proj-book channel

kelvintyb commented 6 years ago

Thanks @owocki submitted the form! Hopefully this comes to pass, it's a book I would love to get :)

owocki commented 6 years ago

@kelvintyb can you pls join the slack? the form will send you an immediate invite when you submit it

owocki commented 6 years ago

@offgridlife are you still interested in this? cc @dustindreifuerst