Open GTChase opened 2 years ago
I cannot test this currently because i cannot load the bounty explorer at all..
this shows up as "10.00 USD true" on the bounty explorer
This has been fixed, needs to be deployed to review
This has been deployed
Displaying bounty amount pegged to native token - this AC scenario needs a few minor tweaks..
cc. @nutrina moving back to todo to fix these two issues.
@GTChase regarding your first point, this is due to the fact that the amounts are very small. This is the same behaviour in production at the moment:
Regarding the 2nd point, we should discuss this in the standup
Regarding the 2nd point, this looks good to me:
This looks good now!
User Story: As a contributor I want to see the value of the amount in USD when pegged to USD So that i get an accurate representation of the payout for any given bounty
Acceptance Criteria
Displaying bounty amount pegged in USD GIVEN i am on AND there is a bounty created pegged to USD WHEN i navigate to the bounty explorer OR view the details page of a bounty pegged to USD THEN all bounties that are pegged to USD should display as: [fixed amount of USD entered on bounty creation] USD in [payout token symbol selected on bounty creation] Example: 500 USD in ETH AND this same behavior should be reflected on the Bounty details page
Displaying bounty amount pegged to native token GIVEN i am on AND there is a bounty created pegged to USD WHEN i navigate to the bounty explorer OR view the details page of a bounty pegged to a native token THEN the bounty payout amount will display as ([Amount of native token entered] ETH) ([converted amount of token at that time] USD), the first value is fixed and second value is variable Example (2 ETH) (6,000 USD)
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