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Update bounty details page #10476

Open GTChase opened 2 years ago

GTChase commented 2 years ago

User Story: As a contributor I want to see the fields from the bounty creation worfklow So that i receive the value of the fields that were added to understand the scope of a bounty completley

Acceptance Criteria

New bounties GIVEN I have deployed the new bounty creation workflow WHEN I click intoa bounty that was created after the new bounty creation workflow was deployed THEN I should see the following new fields as then:

Existing Bounties GIVEN i am viewing the bounty explorer AND there is one or more bounties that existed before the new bounty creation workflow was deployed WHEN i click to view the details of one of those existing bounties THEN I will not see any of the following new fields on the details page

Product & Design Links:

Open Questions: How do we want to handle bounties that already exist? Bounties that exist will not show the new fields

GTChase commented 2 years ago

I cannot test this currently because i cannot load the bounty explorer at all.. Screen Shot 2022-04-26 at 5 13 45 PM


GTChase commented 2 years ago

Looks like a couple of display issues on the date fields here..

This bounty had a estimated apyout date on the default date 30 days from now and it is showing 265 years from now lol.

Also this bounty was set to never expire and we agreed to not show that field if it is set to never expire. Screen Shot 2022-04-28 at 3 45 40 PM

cc. @nutrina

nutrina commented 2 years ago

This is fixed

willsputra commented 2 years ago

hmm im still seeing the same issue with a bounty that never expires


GTChase commented 2 years ago

@nutrina - i am seeing the same issue as Will.. We should not be showing Estimated Payout Date if it sets to never expire..

That poses the question of what to do with submission cutoff date if its never expiring? @willsputra what do you think?

Also, we should probably show the bounty creator as a bounty owner as well in that section. That seems super misleading to only show who you select.

nutrina commented 2 years ago

When "Never expires" is checked for the bounty when created, then in the details page we should also display "Never expires"

nutrina commented 2 years ago

Fix is made (have adde field never_expires in the DB. Deployment is on the way

GTChase commented 2 years ago

The above looks good, just the same issues mentioned on the preview story.

Looks like the dates for submission cut off date and estimated payout date are broken again.. I have both set to a month from today and when you go to preview page, both are showing as 3 months away. This issue persists on the details page as well.

Screen Shot 2022-05-09 at 10 57 24 AM Screen Shot 2022-05-09 at 10 57 34 AM

When set to never expires, all looks well.. cc. @nutrina

willsputra commented 2 years ago

same comment on preview story too:

Looks like it's fixed? tried out two weeks and 1 year and it looks fine
