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Bounty Creation Wizard Validations` #10492

Open GTChase opened 2 years ago

GTChase commented 2 years ago

User Story: As a funder I want the form to be validated on each step So that i know i have correctly inputted the right information before proceeding

Acceptance Criteria

Initial Step validation - success GIVEN I am on any step in the new bounty creation workflow AND i have inputted all fields correctly WHEN I click the next button THEN I proceed to the next step with no problems

Initial Step validation - Errors GIVEN I am on any step in the new bounty creation workflow AND i have inputted one or more fields incorrectly WHEN i click the next button THEN the fields that are invalid will be highlighted in red AND there will be a red error message informing the user what is wrong below the field AND the error will persist until the field is valid AND the next button will be disabled until all invalid fields are corrected

Reenabling Next button GIVEN I am on any step in the new bounty creation workflow AND i have one or more fields needing correction WHEN i correct all invalid fields THEN the red validation will disappear AND the next button will be enabled

Product & Design Links:

willsputra commented 2 years ago

error state:

GTChase commented 2 years ago

@nutrina - the general behavior seems fine.. but i noticed a couple of scenarios that might have been missed.. specifically payouts..

Token and amounts should be required and i can move forward with out having selected anything there currently.. can we fix that page. every other page works

willsputra commented 2 years ago

lgtm! just checked seems like the token and amounts are fixed

GTChase commented 2 years ago

yup, looks good to me as well!