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grants QA from kevin owocki - 20181109 #2753

Closed owocki closed 5 years ago

owocki commented 6 years ago

[x] these three fields ( ) are confusing to me. what is the difference between the 3 of them? [x] Admin Wallet Address should prefill web3.eth.coinbase [x] Frequency of payments field -> why is the inger input so wide? [x] integrity error upon insert:

django.db.utils.IntegrityError: insert or update on table "grants_grant_team_members" violates foreign key constraint "grants_grant_team_me_profile_id_2117fb11_fk_dashboard"


good things

captnseagraves commented 6 years ago
  1. The first field is the total amount of funds sought for the grant. The second, I thought would be useful to display for users to judge how much to give on a monthly basis, but recognizing now that it is confusing and probably scope creep. The third field is a product of the smart contract. You can require a specific amount for each subscription. E.g. Netflix requires you to pay $9.99 a month. In grants it usually makes more sense to allow funders to give whatever they want. We may want to not show this field and hardcode this value as 0. Thoughts?

  2. Admin wallet should not prefill. What if a team wants to have their funds sent to a multi-sig?

  3. No good reason. How wide should we make it?

  4. How did you get this error?

  5. Yep. We should remove this, or require the reference url to be a github link.

  6. You shouldn't be able to edit that.

  7. You are right. We should probably not have the "Subscribe now!" link.

  8. We need better copy to explain things like "Token approval limit". The quick start guide will be a good step to explaining the more tricky pieces as well.

  9. Both of these fields are denominated in the token the user has specified, or the token required by the grant creator.

  10. The MetaTx Gas Price field is there to set a price for gas and incentive paid to a relayer. It is in wie, although in the denomination the user has designated, we can abstract it away since we are acting as a centralized relayer, but that means we are paying everyones gas for all grants subscriptions.

  11. hmmmm, this is an error I thought I had fixed when I merged in rinkeby_fixes. I'll need to take a look tomorrow.

  12. emails are not setup on the grants branch yet. I have 4.75 of out 8 of them implemented. I'm experiencing issues with cancelSubscription though. I hadn't fully move it over to dynamic value since moving to rinkeby.


owocki commented 6 years ago

thanks for prompt response..

i wish there was threading within a github issue?

  1. maybe worth putting this info into a tooltip so an end user will understand it?

  2. i think it should prefill. if users want to change it, ( ie if team wants to have their funds sent to a multi-sig? ) they can always overwrite it

  3. maybe 50% 50% with the select field

  4. i simply submitted the form.

  5. ok.

  6. i can't edit it. but i can resize it as if it was editable.

  7. ok.

  8. maybe its worth adding tooltips? i can add copy to the branch if needed.

  9. might be worth having a pass at the copy here.. or adding a tooltip its hard to understand as an end user now.

  10. can we just use a default or intelligently guess what to make this field instead of exposing it to the user?

  11. cool.

  12. okie dokie.. cool. can QA those when ready